The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function, and Evolution, 2nd Edition


The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function, and Evolution, 2nd Edition

by Luc-Alain Giraldeau, Jerry A. Hogan, Johan J. Bolhuis, Published: 2022, FileType: PDF

The Behavior Of Animals Mechanisms, Function, And Evolution, 2nd Edition

The Behavior of Animals, An updated view of animal behavior studies, featuring global experts, The Behavior of Animals, Second Edition provides a broad overview of the current state of animal behavior studies with contributions from international experts. This edition includes new chapters on hormones and behavior, individuality, and human evolution. All chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated, and are supported by color illustrations, informative callouts, and accessible presentation of technical information.

  • Provides an introduction to the study of animal behavior
  • Looks at an extensive scope of topics- from perception, motivation and emotion, biological rhythms, and animal learning to animal cognition, communication, mate choice, and individuality.
  • Explores the evolution of animal behavior including a critical evaluation of the assumption that human beings can be studied as if they were any other animal species.
  • Students will benefit from an updated textbook in which a variety of contributors provide their expertise and global perspective in specialized areas

The idea for this book arose out of a need that we (and many of our colleagues) felt for a comprehensive textbook on animal behavior. There is no shortage of animal behavior textbooks, so why did we want to produce a new one? First, animal behavior is a dynamic field of research, and we believe that a modern textbook should incorporate all the contemporary subdisciplines of behavioral biology, such as animal welfare, evolutionary psychology, animal cognition, and behavioral neuroscience.

In some ways, the science of animal behavior has become a victim of its own success, as it covers a much wider field than it did initially. Gone are the days when one author could write a text-book both comprehensive and authoritative: Robert Hinde’s classic Animal Behaviour: A Synthesis of Ethology and Comparative Psychology (1970) is an outstanding example of such a book, and it continues to inspire many of us. Given the breadth of contemporary animal behavior research, we felt that it was important to invite experts in the respective subdisciplines to write a chapter about their specialist topic.

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Book Name: The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function, and Evolution, 2nd Edition
File Size: 148 MB
File Format: PDF
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