The Chicken Health Handbook 2nd Edition PDF


The Chicken Health Handbook 2nd Edition PDF. New technologies have changed the way we view the well-being of chickens, making us more certain of some things and less certain of others.

The Chicken Health Handbook 2nd Edition PDF

The Chicken Health Handbook 2nd Edition PDF

This book is called The Chicken Health Handbook because its focus is on keeping your chickens healthy. By applying vigilance, knowledge, and common sense, you’ll find it’s not a difficult mission. Indeed, a few years ago the United States Department of Agriculture issued a report on small flock health and management that stated, “Owners of backyard flocks report very few health problems.”

The Internet has given us better access to academic research and to rapid communication with specialists. More people than ever before raise chickens, providing unique insights due to their diverse educational and professional backgrounds. Online poultry forums have given us a clearer consensus on the issues of backyard flocks compared to problems of industrially produced chickens, or ailments induced and studied under laboratory conditions.

More small-animal veterinarians are accepting chickens as patients — indeed, many of them have chickens of their own — and today’s chicken keepers are more inclined than in the past to seek veterinary care. And not least of all, I have had two decades of additional experience keeping my own chickens healthy.

So what started out as a simple update to the first edition has turned into a complete revision. As I reviewed where to start, I first decided to expand the chapter on incubation and brooding, which ended up becoming an entirely new and separate book, Hatching & Brooding Your Own Chicks, issued by Storey Publishing.

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