The Laboratory Rat 3rd Edition


The Laboratory Rat 3rd Edition

 By Mark Suckow F.Claire Hankenson Ronald Wilson Patricia Foley, Published: 2019, FileType: PDF

The Laboratory Rat, 3rd Edition

The third edition of The Laboratory Rat features updated information on a variety of topics, including rats as research models for basic and translational research in areas such as genomics, alcoholism, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, neuroscience, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, regenerative medicine, and infectious disease.

New information related to the husbandry and veterinary care of rats is provided including topics related to nutrition, reproduction, anesthesia and surgery, infectious and noninfectious disease, and the care of surgical and other fragile models. It is a premier source of information on the laboratory rat, this book will be of interest to veterinary and medical students, senior graduate students, postdocs and researchers who utilize animals in biomedical research. Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, 2nd Edition

Key Features

  • New chapters on the care of surgical and fragile models and on the use of rats in research areas such as alcoholism, regenerative medicine, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and others are included.
  • All chapters were written by scientific and veterinary experts.
  • This book condenses information from many sources on topics related to the care and use of rats in research.
  • It is the premier source of information on the laboratory rat.

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Book Name: The Laboratory Rat 3rd Edition
File Size: 10.1 MB
File Format: PDF
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