Veterinary Anatomy, The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals


Veterinary Anatomy, The Regional Gross Anatomy of Domestic Animals

by R. Vitthal Bhamburkar, Published: 2018, FileType: PDF

Veterinary Anatomy, The Regional Gross Anatomy Of Domestic Animals

The text of this book with regional approach of teaching and studying veterinary gross anatomy has been divided in six divisions. The first division comprises the basics of veterinary anatomy described in the conventional form of systemic anatomy while the remaining five divisions comprise regionwide description of gross anatomy. Each of these regional divisions contains the description of all anatomical structures viz. bones, joints, muscles, viscera, blood vessels, lymphatics nerves, etc located in the respective region of the animal body viz. head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and the fore and hind limb. Atlas of Clinical Imaging and Anatomy of the Equine Head

Bovine animal, the ox, has been considered as a model species for detail description of the anatomical features, while the major differences or remarkable features in other species like horse, dog, sheep and goat, pig and fowl have been described under a separate heading as Comparative Anatomy. In addition to this, a separate section on Applied Anatomy has been introduced at the end of each regional division.

This will makes it easy to understand the applications of the anatomical features that form the basis of surgical, diagnostic, medical and obstetrical techniques in the solution of clinical disorders which is the main purpose of regional pattern of learning the anatomy. Because of these distinctive features, the book has become a little voluminous and therefore, had to be split into two parts. PART-1 comprises first three divisions viz-General Systemic Anatomy, Anatomy of Head and Neck and the Anatomy of Thorax while PART-2 comprises the next three divisions viz- the Anatomy of Abdomen and Pelvis, the Anatomy of Fore limb and the Anatomy of Hind Limb.

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