Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Management Secrets Book by Stephen A. Greene, It is my sincere hope that the reader will find the unique question-and-answer approach to be a breath of fresh air when compared with previously published texts on veterinary anesthesia and pain management.
Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Management Secrets

The contributing authors are noted experts in various veterinary medical specialties, including anesthesiology, clinical pharmacology, critical care, internal medicine, and neurology. Each has included subject matter that is of clinical relevance and interest. I am grateful for their diligent labors and will be forever in their debt.
As in other Secrets volumes, this book has been presented in an informative and easily understood style. It has been organized into nine sections: Patient Management, Patient Preparation, Pharmacology, Patient Monitoring, Perianesthetic Complications, Anesthesia and Systemic Disease, Special Anesthetic Considerations, Regional Anesthesia, and Pain Management for Small Animals.
Each section contains salient information related to anesthetic management of small and large domestic species as well as amphibians, birds, camelids, laboratory animals, reptiles, and other wild animals. The inclusion of concepts and techniques related to pain management addresses the vital role of this increasingly emphasized aspect of veterinary medical care both in and out of the surgical theater.
The highly popular Secrets Series® presents an important new resource for veterinarians in this comprehensive, yet focused, coverage of one of the most important and fastest-emerging specialties in veterinary medicine. Among the topics covered are Patient Management, Preparation, Pharmacology, Monitoring, Anesthetic Complications, Anesthesia and Systemic Disease, Special Anesthetic Considerations, Regional Anesthesia, and Pain Management for Small Animals.
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