Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations 2nd Edition. Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases.
Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations 2nd Edition

Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout.
Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases.
Since writing the first edition of this book, there have been significant world-wide changes in several areas that impact animal cruelty cases. In 2009, the Farm Animal Welfare Council recognized and defined the five freedoms of animals: freedom from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, or disease; freedom from fear and distress, and freedom to express normal behavior. These freedoms succinctly summarize the core issues of animal abuse. Furthermore, they signal a shift in the perception of animals and acknowledge that animals suffer.
Animal cruelty laws have also changed internationally. The veterinary, legal, and animal welfare communities have worked together to pass stronger legislation with higher penalties. This has also created an even greater need for veterinary forensic science. Veterinary forensic medicine has been part of several international veterinary curriculum and it continues to grow in the United States. The passage of mandatory animal cruelty reporting laws for veterinarians places a responsibility on the veterinary schools to provide this as part of the student’s education. National, state, and local veterinary organizations have taken up the cause, providing continuing education conferences for practicing veterinarians.
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