Veterinary Medicine 11th Edition


Veterinary Medicine 11th Edition

by Peter D. Constable 

Veterinary Medicine 11th Edition

Treat the diseases affecting large animals! Veterinary Medicine 11th Edition provides up-to-date information on the diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. Comprehensive coverage includes the principles of clinical examination and making a diagnosis, along with specific therapy recommendations. For easier use, this edition has been divided into two volumes and restructured into a logical, anatomically based approach to disease. From internationally known veterinary experts Peter Constable, Kenneth Hinchcliff, Stanley Done and Walter Gr?nberg, this book is the definitive, one-stop reference for farm animal and equine care.

Substantial changes were made to the format of the book for the Eleventh Edition to keep current with the continuing expansion of knowledge about the diseases of large animals. The book has been extensively revised and reorganized based on the major organ system affected. The organ systems approach reflects the profound impact that Dr. D. C. Blood had on the practice of large-animal medicine worldwide (see Foreword); he emphasized that the clinical examination procedure should be a systems-based method. We have extended the systems approach implemented in the First Edition through the assignment of diseases to the primary organ system affected or the most obvious clinical sign referable to an organ system.

As a result, the Eleventh Edition contains 21 chapters, compared with 36 chapters in the Tenth Edition. Thirteen chapters deal with specific organ systems, including the alimentary tract of ruminants and non ruminants; the liver and pancreas; and the cardiovascular, hemolymphatic/immune, respiratory, urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, and reproductive systems; in addition to metabolic/endocrine abnormalities, diseases of the mammary gland, and, finally, diseases of the skin, eye, and ear.

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Each of these chapters is organized in the following manner: general diseases; infectious diseases, listed in order of cause (bacterial, viral, prion, protozoal, fungal, metazoan) and species affected (all large animals, ruminants, horses, pigs); metabolic diseases; nutritional diseases; toxicologic diseases and environmental agents; neoplastic diseases; congenital and inherited diseases; and, finally, diseases of unknown etiology.

The remaining eight chapters deal with specific medicine topics, as follows: clinical examination and making a diagnosis; examination of the population; bio security and infection control; general systemic states; disturbances of free water, electrolytes, acid-base balance, and oncotic pressure; practical antimicrobial therapeutics; perinatal diseases, and systemic and multi-organ dis-eases. A comprehensive index permits the reader to easily access relevant information in different chapters of the book.

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