Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia 2nd Edition


Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia, 2nd Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the first comprehensive reference on anesthetic techniques in captive and free-ranging wildlife.

Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia 2nd Edition

Zoo Animal And Wildlife Immobilization And Anesthesia

Now including expanded coverage of avian and aquatic species, this exhaustive resource presents information on the full range of zoo and wildlife species. Covering topics ranging from monitoring and field anesthesia to CPR and euthanasia, the heart of the book is devoted to 53 species-specific chapters providing a wealth of information on little-known and common zoo and wildlife animals alike. In addition to new species chapters, the new edition brings a new focus on pain management, including chronic pain, and more information on species-specific physiology. Chapters on airway management, monitoring, emergency therapeutics, and field procedures are all significantly expanded as well. This update to Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia is an invaluable addition to the library of all zoo and wildlife veterinarians.

Welcome to the second edition of Zoo Animal and Wild-life Immobilization and Anesthesia. The publication of this edition occurs at a time when continual advances in wildlife anesthesia are being made. Increasingly, veterinarians, biologists, veterinary technicians, and others are challenged to provide exemplary care to threatened or endangered species. To meet these challenges, we continually strive to ensure the highest level of patient safety. The goal of this book is to provide an efficient method to access knowledge about wildlife anesthesia.

There is still much to learn about the anesthetic and analgesic management of our wildlife patients. We hope that this book can help augment educational experiences for veterinarians and veterinary students and provide important information about anesthesia in some of the most challenging species that veterinarians work with.

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