A Color Handbook Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat


A Color Handbook Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat

by J Scott Weese 

The field of infectious diseases can be fascinating, daunting, frustrating and sometimes scary. All these make the

A Color Handbook Infectious Diseases Of The Dog And Catarea rewarding and challenging, descriptors that apply equally to the book writing process. This book was written with the clinician in mind, and is an attempt to balance relevant background and guidance, and to optimize efficiency. As a hand-book, it is meant to provide a pathway for clinicians through this complex field, by highlighting the most clinically relevant aspects of a wide range of diseases and granting them consideration for placement on dog and cat differential lists. Readers are referred to various other sources for depth of content (e.g. pathophysiology) beyond the scope (and page count) of this effort.

After considerable discussion, a system-based structure was used for organization, as opposed to a pathogen-based approach, i.e. viral, parasitic, bacterial, etc. As such, the book has been structured with chapters for major clinically affected systems (respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, neurological and skin), and includes a catch-all multi system chapter for infectious diseases that refuse to be classified into single systems.

The book A Color Handbook Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is clinically oriented, based on experience underpinned by published research data. Pathogen-specific information enables rational choice of diagnostics, therapy, and prognostication for a complete list of small animal infectious diseases, that includes bacterial, viral, parasitic/protozoal and fungal pathogens. This concise reference guide will be an invaluable tool for clinicians as they develop their understanding of, and ability to communicate about, infectious diseases of the dog and cat.

Key features:

  • Provides a clinically oriented quick reference guide
  • Includes all major small animal infectious diseases
  • Contains over 300 superb color illustrations

Download: Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals

An additional adjective that can never be over-looked when discussing infectious diseases is “ evolving”. Infectious diseases continue to emerge and change, and our ability to understand, diagnose, treat and prevent disease changes in concert. This is another appealing and challenging nature of this dynamic field, and one that makes writing similarly challenging. Undoubtedly, information pertaining to diseases covered in this book will change.

That is an inherent predicament of any constantly evolving field. We have attempted to ensure that all content is as accurate as possible at the time of writing, but are not under any illusions that some will change over time. However, we expect (and hope) that the material provided will assist clinicians with their understanding of, and ability to communicate about, infectious diseases of the dog and cat.

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    • Book Name: A Color Handbook Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
    • Year Published: March 2019
    • File Type: PDF
    • Download: Link
    • Size: 90 MB
    • Password: PDFLibrary.Net


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