Animal By-Product Processing & Utilization Free PDF Download


Animal By-Product Processing & Utilization Free PDF Download. The animal by product segment of the food processing industry has been a remarkable economic achievement and public health phenomena.

Animal By-Product Processing & Utilization Free PDF Download

Animal By-Product Processing & Utilization Free PDF Download

Nevertheless, published information in the area of animal by­product processing and utilization is limited. The forerunner of this book, Animal By­Product Processing, published in 1988 (translated into Spanish in 1994), is the most quoted book on the topic, but it has been out of print for several years. Prior to this publication, a 1927 book was the standard reference source.

The most recent book, The Original Recyclers (1996) by Don Franco and Winfield Swanson, covers primarily rendering. The scientific journal literature, too, is limited, although material on this topic increasingly can be found on the Internet. Clearly, changes in the industry, the lack of updated information, and the scattered nature of sources make a new, comprehensive treatment of the subject appropriate at this time.

A unique feature of the current book is that it brings together, in one place, information on the entire field of animal by product processing and utilization. We have incorporated new and updated information—both published and unpublished—made available since 1988 throughout this book. Chapter sections have been revised with information of current importance. Particular attention has been paid to concerns over new animal diseases that might be transferred by feeding low temperature rendered products and to new precautions for the rendering industry.

The book will be useful for anyone interested in by product processes or by product utilization, individuals interested in recycling, people interested in a classic example of re utilization of valuable material, and those involved in the health area who are interested in disease prevention.

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