Applied Dairy Microbiology 2nd Edition, This thoroughly revised and updated reference/text provides comprehensive coverage of the latest developments and scientific advances in dairy microbiology.
Applied Dairy Microbiology 2nd Edition

It emphasizes probiotics, fermented dairy products, disease prevention, and public health and regulatory control standards for dairy foods.Additionally, Applied Dairy Microbiology, Second Edition presents new chapters on the use, metabolism, and genetics of starter cultures, including recent data on isolation and enumeration of lactic acid bacteria.
The dairy industry continues to consolidate, with mergers reducing the number of companies producing dairy products. The number of dairy farms is also decreasing, but the remaining farms are larger and the volume of milk they produce is increasing slowly. The amount and variety of dairy products are also increasing, and, in fact, new products are regularly introduced into the marketplace.
As the industry continues to evolve, so does dairy microbiology. This second edition of Applied Dairy Microbiology reflects that evolution and provides the reader with the latest available information. There are now 18 chapters, rather than the 14 found in the first edition. Nearly all chapters that appeared in both editions have been revised and updated.
As was true of the first edition, the present book is intended for use by advanced undergraduate and graduate students in food/dairy science and food/dairy microbiology. The book also will be useful to persons in the dairy industry—both those involved in manufacturing products and those doing research. Furthermore, it should be beneficial to students in veterinary medicine and to veterinarians whose practice includes dairy animals. Finally, the book will be helpful to many persons in local, state, and federal regulatory agencies.
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