Aquaculture An Introductory Text 3rd Edition
Providing a broad and readable overview of the subject, this updated third edition of Aquaculture: An Introductory Text covers issues associated with sustainable aquaculture development, culture systems, hatchery methods, nutrition and feeding of aquaculture species, reproductive strategies, harvesting and many other topics. While its main focus is on the culture of fish, molluscs and crustaceans for food, the book also covers other forms of aquaculture, such as the production of seaweeds, recreational fish and ornamental species, and live foods such as algae and rotifers that are used to feed larval shrimp and marine fish.
Thoroughly updated and revised, the third edition of this essential textbook now includes:
* Increased coverage of species under culture
* Increased scope to cover species for enhancement, recreational fishing, commercial fishing and aquaria
* Newly developed culture systems
* Information on predictive impacts of climate change
* Updated aquaculture production statistics
Aquaculture remains one of the most rapidly growing agricultural disciplines and this book remains an essential resource for all undergraduate students of aquaculture and related disciplines. Get Free: Microbiology in Dairy Processing: Challenges and Opportunities
The book is also designed for graduate students who have had no prior courses on aquaculture. The books listed at the end of the chapters provide readers with the sources of more detailed information. A large number of journals, websites, published abstracts from scientific meetings and a few magazines are devoted to aquaculture, or publish some information on the subject. Among the journals devoted exclusively or largely to the subject are the following:
● Aquaculture
● Aquaculture International
● Aquaculture Economics and Management
● Bamidgeh (The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture)
● Journal of Applied Aquaculture
● Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
● Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
● North American Journal of Aquaculture
● The Journal of Shellfisheries Research
● Reviews in Aquaculture
● Reviews in Fisheries Science
● Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture
Thoroughly updated and revised, this new edition now includes: increased coverage of species under culture; increased scope to cover species for enhancement, recreational fishing, commercial fishing and aquaria; newly developed culture systems, information on predictive impacts of climate change, and updated aquaculture production statistics.
Some relatively newly developed culture systems are included; and I’ve included information on observed or predicted impacts of climate change on aquaculture, and updated information on aquaculture production statistics, in addition to providing additional and updated information on various other topics.
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