Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI


Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI PDF. This book is intended for residents and specialists in most any clinical specialty, motivated veterinary students, and any practicing veterinarian who routinely refers patients for advanced imaging.

Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI

Atlas Of Small Animal CT And MRI PDF

The first biomedical use of CT and MRI occurred in the 1970’s and over the past three decades these imaging modalities have greatly advanced our ability to diagnose disorders of companion animals. The rapid clinical integration of CT and MRI since their introduction into veterinary medicine, coupled with continual advances in imaging technology and an ever-expanding body of literature, provide the inspiration for the Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI.

For those currently in training or new to CT and MRI, the text provides a broad, image-rich exposure to the subject. For more seasoned veterinary specialists, the book serves as both a refresher and as a quick reference.

This is the first textbook of veterinary cross-sectional imaging to present material in a comparative format and with correlation to other diagnostic tests and pathology. The book includes more than 700 patient-based figures composed of over 3000 individual images to illustrate most of the common, and a few uncommon, disorders diagnosed using CT and MRI. We have taken pains to use examples that have been definitively diagnosed, either histologically or cytologically, or by an overwhelming preponderance of clinical and other diagnostic evidence.

A text such as this is not written without the substantial support of many people. We would like to extend our appreciation to our diagnostic imaging, neurology, surgery, medicine and other colleagues whose expertise has informed the content of this atlas. We would also like to acknowledge our stellar residents and students whose inquiring minds have motivated us to author this text.

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