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Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Canine Structure
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Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Canine Structure


Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Canine Structure. A complete illustrated guide to the canine anatomy, featuring 150 detailed drawings. Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Canine StructureThis text is intended to provide the reader with the essentials of dog anatomy and has been produced for people who ...

Maran Illustrated Dog Training
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Maran Illustrated Dog Training


Produced by the award-winning Maran Graphics Group, Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Dog Training is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers. Maran Illustrated Dog TrainingFrom individuals picking up their first puppy to those who are looking to eliminate their pet’s annoying behaviors. Instead of describing ...

Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats
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Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats


Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats, It is becoming evident that a well-balanced natural diet and the right herbs can prevent and treat a wide variety of health problems in dogs, cats, and other pets. Natural Remedies For Dogs And CatsTo that end, people are increasingly seeking out alternative therapies to ...

Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse
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Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse


Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse, No other equine quick reference comes close to providing this much accurate, timely, and clinically useful diagnostic and therapeutic information. Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The HorseKeeping pace with the growing body of knowledge in any one part of veterinary medicine, ...

Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets
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Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets


Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic Pets, Our emphasis in this book has been on clinical decision making and treatment of individual animals using a template-based format with illustrations. Clinical Veterinary Advisor Birds and Exotic PetsThe first section is Diseases and Disorders. We have presented ...

A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery 4th Edition
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A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery 4th Edition


A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery 4th Edition, Authoritative guide to trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery. A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic SurgeryProvides a comprehensive review of orthopaedic and spinal conditions in the dog or cat. Includes a regional approach to problems that ...

Manual of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat
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Manual of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat


Manual of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition provides a valuable asset to the practice library for quick and easy reference on a busy day. Manual of Skin Diseases of the Dog and CatDealing with all common skin diseases in both the dog and the cat, particular attention is paid to the differences ...

Muller & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology 6th Edition
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Muller & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology 6th Edition


Each time we gear up to do another edition of Small Animal Dermatology, we optimistically-yet with the trepidation born of familiarity-tell ourselves that this rewrite will be less involved, less time consuming, less intimidating than the last. Muller & Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology 6th EditionFully ...

Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia
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Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia


Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia is an up-to-date, complete resource for performing local anesthetic techniques in small animals. Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and AnalgesiaThis practical, clinically oriented reference presents step-by-step procedures for performing common loco regional blocks ...

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