Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease 1st Edition


Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease 1st Edition by Douglas W. Esson in 2015, Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease provides an image-rich resource for diagnosing and treating ophthalmic conditions in clinical practice.

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease 1st Edition

Clinical Atlas Of Canine And Feline Ophthalmic Disease

Offering multiple images of frequently encountered diseases, the book depicts the differing clinical presentations of ophthalmic conditions in dogs and cats.  The book is carefully designed for ease of use,with commonly encountered conditions grouped together and concise,clinically relevant descriptions of each disease.

Emphasizing high-quality color images, the text is succinct and to-the-point, presenting a summary of the presentation, diagnosis,and treatment for each condition, with selected references for further reading.  Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease is an ideal patient-side resource for the busy practitioner.

The field of veterinary ophthalmology, detailed ophthalmic texts, and the peer-reviewed ophthalmic literature represent a sometimes challenging and potentially confusing arena and, as a consequence, I have sought here to provide the busy general practitioner with a clear, systematic, repeatable clinical picture of the most frequently encountered ophthalmic conditions in small animal practice. Images are intentionally presented in the same way as cases would be encountered in practice.

Key features 

  • Presents more than 600 high-quality color photographs depicting commonly encountered ocular conditions in dogs and cats
  • Includes multiple images for each disease to show varying presentations
  • Organized for easy reference, covering the most commonly encountered conditions first
  • Designed for daily use in the busy clinical setting, allowing practitioners to quickly find and compare images as they see cases
  • Provides a concise summary of the most clinically relevant information on diagnosing and managing ophthalmic disease

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