Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine – An Introduction 4th Edition, The purpose of this book is to provide basic information on unique anatomic and physio-logic characteristics, care and maintenance, common diseases, and recommended treatments for rodents, rabbits, ferrets, and nonhuman primates.
Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine – An Introduction 4th Edition

It has been prepared as a guide for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, research scientists, and others interested in learning about smaller mammals and nonhuman primates. Knowledge is the key to a familiar dictum: primum non nocere—“first do no harm.” To undertake medical care of a species with which one is unfamiliar can be dangerous.
Download More: Laboratory Profiles of Small Animal Diseases
By gaining familiarity with the more significant, unique biologic features of laboratory animals, learning the most common disease processes, and applying knowledge and skills acquired during professional training, veterinarians should be capable of providing health care to these animals with a reasonable degree of competence.
This fourth edition has been significantly revamped and the material presented in a “user-friendly” format. The text has been updated and expanded with information on transgenic mice, drug dosages, techniques, and environmental enrichment, and it includes color photos and review questions for each chapter. A Web site with PowerPoint presentations and additional images corresponding to each chapter is available.
This book was made possible through the support and guidance of many people. Thanks to Dr. Donald Holmes, who wrote the first edition and gave us a stepping stone and place to start. The efforts of Beth Harries, LVT, and her creative suggestions and assistance in preparing many of the figures in this edition are gratefully acknowledged.
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