Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology 6th Edition
by Bradley Klein
Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease.

This book is designed for first-year veterinary students. The goal is to introduce the student to the principles and concepts of physiology pertinent to the practice of veterinary medicine. Other goals are to introduce the reader to physiopathology and clinical problem-solving techniques and to help the reader understand the relationship between physiology and the practice of veterinary medicine.
This book is designed to be as student friendly as possible. New concepts in the text are introduced by a declarative statement designed to summarize the essential point. This format also helps the reader survey the chapter or review for an examination. These declarative statements are also listed at the beginning of the chapter as an outline of Key Points.
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Chapters include Clinical Correlations at the end. Concordant with the increasing trend toward early integration of basic science and clinical material in veterinary curricula, these Clinical Correlations are designed to show the reader how knowledge of physiology is applied to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients. They also provide the student with an additional way to think through the principles and concepts presented, and they can serve as a basis for classroom case discussions.
Several Practice Questions are included in each chapter as another method for students to review the book’s content. The Bibliography for each chapter is designed to lead the reader to more advanced textbooks, as the aforementioned time constraints can often prevent veterinary students from reading original literature. However, for those who may find the time, some original literature references are also included in several chapters.
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- Book Name: Cunningham’s Textbook of Veterinary Physiology 6th Edition
- Year Published: March 2019
- File Type: PDF
- Download: Link
- Size: 50 MB
- Password: PDFLibrary.Net