Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology is a practical manual for the increasing number of veterinarians called upon to treat patients with cancer.
Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology

This case-based quick reference leads practitioners through diagnosis, treatment, and management decisions, offering reliable guidance for more effective management of cancer care. With easy-to-follow algorithms to assist the reader through the critical thinking process, Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology answers the questions most commonly asked in daily practice to provide the cancer knowledge practitioners and students need in general practice.
Download More: Withrow and MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology 5th Edition
This detailed account of cancer in small animals presents volumes of information…. includes an overview of cancer biology and covers diagnostic tests for cancer, treatment options and information on the majority of specific cancer types that are of concern in cats and dogs. The detail in almost every area is impressive and complete. The authors also nicely balance recommendations for what can and cannot be reasonably performed in a general practice setting. The very specific guidance presented in flow charts for making decisions about the cancers can be helpful, and is not found in other standard oncology texts.
ill help those who are not board-certified in veterinary oncology to find the information they need in a quick and easy manner. There are… well-written practical sections on subjects such as how to safely administer chemotherapy and the importance of nutritional support. In general, it is a book that allows for rapid access to some basic knowledge about cancer treatment in animals, with an emphasis on diagnostics and setting up a plan. This is a useful, reasonably priced textbook for someone with little knowledge of veterinary oncology who desires a quick and easy guide to the many tumors of dogs and cats.
Chapters are organized by body system and take a case-based approach, with algorithms to aid in making the appropriate clinical decision. Primarily focusing on canine and feline cancer patients, additional information on tumors in exotic companion animals is also included. Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology is a highly readable resource for the cancer knowledge practitioners and students need in general practice.
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