Digestive Disease in the Dog and Cat PDF


Digestive Disease in the Dog and Cat PDF. Accurate diagnosis and effective long term therapy or control of alimentary disease in the dog and cat are difficult goals to achieve, due to a lack of comprehensive information on the specific conditions affecting the alimentary tract together with a lack of suitably practical methods of investigation.

Digestive Disease in the Dog and Cat PDF

Digestive Disease In The Dog And Cat PDF

The book presents, in a practical way, the information which clinicians, faced with the daily business of investigating such problems, will need.

* offers practical information on in depth investigation of digestive diseases
* stresses recent advances in veterinary gastroenterology
* contains separate chapters on vomiting, diarrhoea and laboratory techniques

The authors allow the reader to approach a problem from a number of angles, arriving at diagnosis after considering the history of a complaint and a full physical examination, and the possible paths of further examination. Wherever possible, clinical features are correlated with biopsy, clinicopathological findings, and also with autopsy where this is relevant.

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