Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses


Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses

by Eleanor Kellon, Published: 2019, FileType: PDF

Dr. Kellons Guide To First Aid For Horses

Dr. Eleanor Kellon has created a quick and easy reference to conditions that require emergency treatment. Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses offers guidelines to be followed in determining what a horse’s problem could be, and it suggests information that should be given to the veterinarian as soon as you call. The book is organized by color-coded chapters on specific types of problems, or on specific anatomical areas and organ systems. At the beginning of each chapter is a quick reference list of symptoms and topics that allows you to turn immediately to those sections of the chapter that might pertain to your horse’s problems. First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats

Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses includes lists of symptoms and their causes, instructions for home treatment, and checklists of the first aid supplies necessary to deal with the following emergencies:

  • Concussions, burns, and shock
  • Abrasions, lacerations, bleeding
  • Smoke inhalation, asthma, and emphysema
  • Fever, botulism, and blood poisoning
  • Colic, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
  • Hypothermia, hyperthermia, and frostbite
  • Stroke, muscle cramps, laminitis, and seizures
  • Bladder infection and stones in the urinary tract
  • Prolonged labor, newborn emergencies
  • Allergies and adverse drug reactions
  • And many other life threatening situations or conditions

Dr. Kellon also includes reference sections on preparing horses for treatment, restraint, drug reactions, and managing trapped horses. Give yourself the confidence to deal with any emergency veterinary situation by keeping a copy of Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses close at hand.

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Book Name: Dr. Kellon’s Guide to First Aid for Horses
File Size: 34 MB
File Format: PDF
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