This workbook is intended to accompany Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook. Each chapter in the workbook relates to a corresponding chapter in the textbook and stresses.
Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook

The essential information of the chapter through the use of definitions, short essays (comprehension), photo quizzes, matching, completion, true and false, multiple choice questions, word searches, and crossword puzzles.
Learning objectives are included at the beginning of each chapter to help you focus on the material and concepts that you are expected to learn and how this is to be applied in the veterinary clinical setting.
The following suggestions will help you use this workbook to identify strengths and weaknesses.
1. Review the contents of each chapter before you attempt to do the exercise. Do not treat the questions individually and then refer to the text for the correct answer. Deal with the chapter’s subject matter as a whole, because many of the questions are interrelated. This is a learning exercise meant to help you learn the material presented in the textbook, not an examination for grades.
2. Remember that the same subject matter may be repeated in different question forms in each chapter or other chapters, because the material overlaps. The subjects of the questions are not in the same order as they appear in the textbook.
3. Read each question and study each illustration carefully before answering. You may know the answer or you may arrive at the correct answer by knowing which answers are incorrect.
4. This workbook is designed so that the pages can be easily removed, submitted if required, and placed in your notebook with the corresponding lecture notes.
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