Feline Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Disease, The majority of feline orthopedic cases seen in practice have

Cats are less commonly presented with lameness than dogs. It can be a real diagnostic challenge to determine the cause of lameness if the cat does not suffer from a cat bite abscess or a fracture. Knowledge of feline orthopedic diseases is much lower when compared to dogs. Many feline orthopedic diseases are only described in single case reports or small case series, and cats often show non-specific clinical signs with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which reduces owners and veterinarians’ awareness of such conditions.
The goal of this book was to produce a comprehensive and up-to-date textbook on feline orthopedics. There are parts on diagnostics, musculoskeletal diseases and neurological conditions, diagnosis and treatment of polytraumatized cats, basic principles of orthopedic surgery, anesthesia and analgesia, surgical instruments and implants, rehabilitation, and arthroscopy. The main emphasis is on orthopedic surgical techniques.
These are described in detail for diseases and injuries of each bone and joint. Common classic surgical techniques are reported, as well as many novel topics specific to feline musculoskeletal disease and orthopedics. This textbook should form a good grounding in orthopedics for veterinary students. It should improve the diagnosis of feline orthopedic conditions, provide detailed explanations of their treatment for small animal practitioners, and it will offer further novel treatment options to specialist surgeons.
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