Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets Second Edition PDF


Diet is an important consideration in the care of a pet and is a major factor in health and life expectancy. Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets is a unique handbook in that it provides an introduction to nutrition of the healthy dog and cat as well as an extensive discussion of medical disorders that can be treated in part by dietary management.

Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets Second Edition PDF


Recipes are provided for making home – prepared diets for both healthy pets and pets with special conditions. These diets have been formulated with a sophisticated computer program to ensure that they are balanced and complete, according to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines.

Many diets have been carefully formulated for specifi c health problems according to current veterinary recommendations. Diets that have been designed for some special conditions may not be complete and balanced because of necessary diet restrictions. This is noted in the recipe, and these diets should be fed under the direct supervision of your veterinarian.

This edition of Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets has been thoroughly updated. Chapters have been expanded and completely rewritten to refl ect nutritional recommendations based on current research. New chapters have been added on feeding the puppy and kitten, feeding the pregnant or lactating dog or cat, feeding the senior pet, feeding the performance dog, and the role of diet in pets with cancer.

For ease of use, diets have been removed from individual chapters and are now found in Section II of the book. Nutrient content for protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fi ber have been provided for every diet, along with the nutrient density. Diets can easily be adjusted for any size dog or cat, and exact ingested nutrient amounts can be calculated. Diets are cross – referenced for special conditions, by chapter, and also by protein source, making it simple to fi nd a diet to suit the needs of most dogs or cats. Detailed directions are given regarding food safety and proper preparation of diets.

With the information presented in this book, pet owners will have an excellent background in nutrition of the dog and cat. If the diet directions are carefully followed, owners can safely prepare balanced diets for their healthy pets. Diets for pets with special conditions should be thoroughly discussed with the pet ‘ s veterinarian to ensure the proper management of the pet with special needs.


Book Name: Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets Second Edition 
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