Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 3rd Edition, Having grown up in a rural community of Nebraska, I thought that everyone understood where their food came from.
Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 3rd Edition

However, when I moved to Omaha, Nebraska, for my veterinary technician extemship, I realized that this was not the case. When I started teaching veterinary technicians about large animal medicine, I noticed that their questions more often related to why decisions were made and why practices were recommended and less often to the procedures themselves. The third edition of Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians covers the basic elements of the livestock industry to help students relate the principles and practices of agriculture in the veterinary community with the care of large animals.
All the information from the second edition has been updated, and I have added two new chapters, “Livestock Nutrition” and “Diagnostic Imaging.” I have also added more details about clinical pathology, equipment boxes, and new online chapters covering the poultry industry. So after much thought and careful consideration, I have created a textbook that will help students understand the “big picture” as it relates to large animal medicine, with helpful study tools, as well as a quick reference for those technicians working in the industry on a daily basis.
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