Obesity in the Dog and Cat by Martha, Veterinary medicine is facing a critical epidemic. Overweight and obese dogs and cats have a decreased quality of life, shortened life span, increased risk of other disease, and an overall increased cost of veterinary care. Veterinary professionals, from nurses to boarded specialists, should become fluent in the language of this epidemic.
Obesity in the Dog and Cat by Martha

General practice veterinarians and veterinary nurses are the target audience for this textbook . We began our careers after residency in a large private practice where specialists practiced veterinary medicine alongside general practitioners. Although many excellent resources regarding pet obesity exist, we saw a need to develop a comprehensive text to equip veterinary professionals on the first line. We also hope that those with a keen interest in veterinary nutrition will find this text an extensive resource of recent literature.
This is an indispensable guide for any veterinarian or veterinary technician interested in better understanding the disease of obesity. The authors reach far beyond the traditional clinical approach of, “Feed less, exercise more,” and explore the current pathophysiology of obesity and emerging treatment options. Thoroughly researched and packed with practical advice, this is the textbook I wish I had twenty-five years ago. Highly recommended.
This book will be valuable for anyone managing obesity cases in practice as there is considerable practical information. I found the chapter on behavioral management of obesity especially useful. There is also good information on the pathophysiology and sequaela of obesity. By necessity, there is information from human obesity where we don’t have sufficient information in dogs and cats; however, this points to useful areas for future research.
Despite the growing prevalence of obesity in the pet population, a comprehensive book to provide veterinary professionals with the background to address the problem appropriately has been lacking. This book effectively fills that void. The authors have the advanced training to address the science of obesity and its management as well as the boots-on-the ground experience to customize the information to the practitioner audience and to understand the importance of offering a practical approach that is feasible for practitioners and pet owners. Each chapter begins with a list of subtopics followed by the material presented in clearly marked, concise sections, numbered for easy reference. The book has been well thought out to address the needs and potential questions of the audience. Clearly written, concise yet thorough, this book meets an important need for a practical veterinary resource for the understanding and clinical management of obesity in pet dogs and cats. Presented in a well-organized and easily-scanned format, this is an important reference for every small animal practice.
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