Perfect Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs


Perfect Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs

Perfect Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs are very important for dogs health, some fruits and vegetables are given below which can be used as feed source.

1- Broccoli:

Broccoli Best Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


Broccoli makes a great snack for pups.  Even the best fruits and vegetables, if eaten by pet in large quantity, can cause GIT problems.

2-  Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet Potatoes Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


Some dogs love sweet potatoes. Be sure to serve them to your dog in small bites and make sure that they must be cooked, never serve them in raw form.

3- Zucchini:

Zucchini Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


Zucchini and other squash are healthy treats for dogs. Before changing your dog’s diet, though, consult with your veterinarian, because some foods may be incompatible with certain medical conditions.

4- Bananas:

Banana Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


if you want to give your dog a few banana slices Must Freeze the banana slices before you offer them to your dog.

5- Peas:

Pea Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs

Giving your dog peas instead of cookies can make you feel better about his caloric intake. But keep in mind that treats, even healthy vegetables, should be less than 10 percent of your pet’s diet.

6- Juicy apples:

Juicy Apples Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


Many dogs love juicy apples. Just be sure your dog doesn’t get hold of seeds or the core, which can be harmful to him.

7-  green bean:

green beans perfect fruits and vegetables for dogs


Good news for all you green bean fans out there: It’s safe to share them with your dog.

8- carrots:

Carrots Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs

Plenty of dogs enjoy carrots, but if your dog is hesitant about eating raw vegetables, you can steam or boil the carrots for an easier transition.

 9-  cucumber slices:

Cucumber Slices Perfect Fruits And Vegetables For Dogs


How about some fresh cucumber slices for your canine? Be sure to wash all fruits and vegetables and remove rinds, skin, seeds or pits before feeding them to your pet.
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