Pocket Handbook of Small Animal Medicine by Kit Sturgess. When I set out to write this handbook, it seemed a simple task: not too much detail and no references.
Pocket Handbook of Small Animal Medicine
It soon became clear that deciding what to include and – even more importantly –what to leave out, while still producing a useful and informative text, was a big challenge – so I hope that I have the balance right!
The Pocket Handbook of Small Animal Medicine has been designed as a ‘pick-up-and-get-started’ text for quick and easy reference. It aims to offer concise subject reviews and rapid interpretation and problem-solving of key clinical signs.
Part 1 gives an overview of basic approaches and general health concerns, while Parts 2 and 5, ‘Clinical Presentations’ and ‘Critical Care’ present a series of algorithms intended to guide the reader from presentation to diagnosis, or to outline emergency management.
Part 3 forms the core of the book, covering – in brief – the examination, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and disorders of each body system, as well as multi systemic disorders, while Part 4 covers anaesthetics, analgesia, and surgery. For more in-depth discussion and treatments, a short Further Reading list is included.
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