Reconstructive Surgery and Wound Management of the Dog and Cat, The idea of designing a colour atlas of reconstructive techniques in dogs and cats started a couple of years ago during our lectures to residents in surgery.
Surgical Wound Healing and Management 2nd Edition

The plan was that the illustrations in the atlas would be comparable to the gold standard set by the excellent drawings in the books written by Michael Pavletic and Steven Swaim, with the additional advantage that they would demonstrate each reconstructive procedure step by step and using real tissues. In addition to being close personal friends, Michael and Steven have been immense sources of knowledge for this atlas. We would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank these two pioneers in reconstructive surgery for showing us the way to proceed, and we advise every reader to add their volumes to their library.
The main goal of this atlas is to provide an overview of reconstructive techniques in dogs and cats, illustrated with high-quality pictures, as an aid in the treatment of animals with skin defects caused by injury or tumour resection. Why should one buy this book? If you are interested in skin surgery and you learn best by seeing a procedure performed, this atlas will show you all the procedures currently available in veterinary medicine and surgery using clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions. Consider it a cookbook with lots of ideas and recipes.
A word of warning though – like cooking, surgery is a skill not mastered to the same degree by everyone. In addition, conditions are variable and do not remain constant. Use this book wisely, allow it to give you inspiration and evaluate each wound as an individual challenge to close. Every animal, and thus every wound, is different. This is why reconstructive surgery is so much fun!
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