Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue 1st Edition


Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue 1st Edition

by Rebecca Gimenez
September 9, 2008

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue 1st EditionThe recognition of the importance of safe large animal rescue is quickly growing. The prevailing attitude of large animal owners, whose animals are often pets or a large financial investment, is to demand the safe rescue and treatment of their large animals in emergency situations.

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue is a guide for equine, large animal, and mixed animal veterinarians, zoo and wildlife veterinarians, vet techs, and emergency responders on how to rescue and treat large animals in critical situations while maintaining the safety of both the animal and the rescuer. This book is a must have reference for any individual who deals with large animals in emergency situations.

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue is an excellent resource on a topic for which little information is readily available. The chapters offer a mixture of general information as well as more detailed point-by point descriptions of specific emergency procedures aspects of large animal rescue that cannot be easily found elsewhere. This text is ideal for training support staff, such as local volunteers and search-and-rescue teams.

This valuable new publication is appropriate and timely almost every conceivable emergency rescue situation is covered, including water and unstable ground, loose animals, trailer incidents, and barn and wildfires. Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue is an invaluable reference. It provides a history of the field, a review of current understanding, and expert guidance that should be incorporated into the National Disaster Management System and adopted for use by state and local emergency response and animal care and control professionals.

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Readers of Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue will gain tremendous understanding of how to handle many common and unusual large animal rescue scenarios. This text is a must-have for large animal veterinarians, whether they practice ambulatory medicine, work in public service, or are interested in animal rescue and disaster medicine. This book is also a useful training tool for veterinary technicians and veterinary students.

If there is a rail line, an interstate highway, a freeway, or just plain country roads, first responders can be confronted with loose or trapped animals even if no large animals are kept in their jurisdiction. The possibility of having to rescue large animals from highway accidents, natural disasters, or because the animal(s) have gotten themselves stuck in various man made structures should not be cause for inflicting more harm to the animal or injury to the rescuers due to a lack of training.

Get This : Techniques in Large Animal Surgery Second Edition

Just finished the course with the author of this book and wow, what knowledge she has. This is an area of skill training that I wish was mandatory for all first responder units for the welfare of large animals (cattle, dairy, sheep, horses, and other livestock). There are many incidents where animals are in trouble (horses that get out of pastures and fall into unprotected wells or fall through ice when they are forced to use ponds for drinking in winter, cattle that get stuck in mud holes, on and on it goes with all the possible ways that animals can become in need of rescue. Do NOT pull horses by their tails, their heads! Do NOT use ropes around the feet and pull them out, or up.  All of these ways can cause the animal so much more damage, that you may find it kinder to euthanize the animal before doing this to them, as the damage and pain they can suffer afterwards can be significant. There are more effective methods available that will minimize further damage to the animal. If you are a first responder (fire department, spca, large animal owner, veterinarians, large animal rescues, emergency preparedness, etc.), then this book, along with the training course will definitely be helpful to you in effectively rescuing animals and preventing further damage and suffering to the animal.

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