Tumors in Domestic Animals 5th Edition


Tumors in Domestic Animals, Fifth Edition is a fully revised new edition of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference on veterinary tumor pathology in common domestic animals, now in full color throughout with the most current advances in research and diagnostics.

Tumors in Domestic Animals 5th Edition

Tumors In Domestic Animals 5th Edition

Now in full color with hundreds of exquisite new images showing diagnostic features, pathogenesis, and techniques Adds new sections on relevant clinical pathology and oncology Updated throughout to include the very latest advances in research and diagnostics Takes a logical, user-friendly system approach Written by leading experts on animal tumor pathology.

Tumor cytology has been added and will continue to expand in subsequent editions. For many tumors, cytology is as accurate as histopathology, can be used at patient side with minimal invasiveness, and can yield specimens for molecular studies. Grading schemes based on cytology and molecular profiles will be included in future editions. Cytological evaluation can replace biopsy for some osseous tumors, and if treatments beyond excision or palliative measures are not a consideration, then cytology can provide a final diagnosis for many solid tumors and most leukemias. Reference texts in the tissue and cytological diagnostic arenas are largely divorced, and integration of these can benefit morphological assessments of cancer disease. Furthermore, cytological assessment permits rapid turnaround time and will become same day when representative cytological images are sent from patient side to pathologists.

All of us are indebted to mentors. They taught us, they nurtured our passion for pathology and were role models for each new generation of veterinary pathologists. The authors and readers of this book double‐scoped and learned from some of the founders of veterinary pathology, and I dedicate this book to mentors. Many are icons in our disciplines but many of us benefited enormously from hard‐working and committed teachers who were not so widely known, but were essential to us. If I listed names I would forget some and offend others so please take a moment to think about those individuals who shaped you and your career. We all remain responsible for passing on this mantle.

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