Egg Nutritional Facts I World Egg Day 2019


For centuries, eggs have played a major role in feeding families around the world. They are an unbeatable set in terms of versatility and high quality protein at a very affordable price. And they are also an excellent source of choline, essential for memory and brain development. If you take into account the convenience and the extraordinary taste, there is no competition due to Egg Nutritional Facts.

Eggs are one of nature’s highest quality sources of protein and contain many of the ingredients that are essential for life. The proteins in eggs play a very important role in brain and muscle development, play a key role in disease prevention and contribute to overall well-being.

Egg is a complete diet which fulfill the nutritional requirement of a person.  An egg a day keeps the diseases away.  Egg is a diet full of nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals, energy and essential fatty acids.

Egg Nutritional Facts

hello everyone I am Dr. Kashif Amin and today we will discuss about Recent Research on Egg Nutritional Facts and Benefits. Egg the only Food on Earth with 100 Point Rating from World Health Organization (WHO).

Egg Nutritional Facts I World Egg Day 2019

Photo by Omran Jamal  Egg Nutritional Facts I World Egg Day 2019 Egg nutritional facts.

Comparison of Protein Quality in Some Important Protein Sources

Egg is compared with cow milk, beef, fish, liver and pulses. complete comparison is given below;

  1. Egg having a biological value of 96, protein efficiency ratio is 4.5 and net protein utilization is 91.
  2. Cow’s Milk having a biological value of 84, protein efficiency ratio is 3 and net protein utilization is 75.
  3. Meat having a biological value of 80, protein efficiency ratio is 2.8 and net protein utilization is 76.
  4. Fish having a biological value of 85, protein efficiency ratio is 3.0 and net protein utilization is 75.
  5. Liver having a biological value of 77, protein efficiency ratio is 2.9 and net protein utilization is 65.
  6. Pulses having a biological value of 56, protein efficiency ratio is 1.6 and net protein utilization is 45.

Essential Amino Acids Egg Vs. Other Protein Sources

Essential Amino Acids Egg Vs. Other Protein Sources

Essential Amino Acids Egg Vs. Other Protein Sources

Economic Comparison of Egg with other Protein Sources

Economic Comparison of Egg with other Protein Sources

Economic Comparison of Egg with other Protein Sources Egg nutritional facts.

Old Egg Myths

  • Eggs raise blood cholesterol level main causes of heart disease, normal cholesterol level is 100 mg/dl and is safe upto 125 mg/dl.
  • Cholesterol is fat, Cholesterol is a waxy substance that resembles fat, but has little to do with it
  • Cholesterol content in food and in our blood aren’t as directly related as once thought.

Function of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is not bad. it maintains;

  • Cell functionality
  • Insulate nerve fibers
  • Produce vitamin D

Two sources of cholesterol:

  • Dietary cholesterol
  • Indigenous cholesterol (produced in body)
    (Both are important)
    ➢ Dietary cholesterol
    ◦ Meat
    ◦ Poultry
    ◦ Eggs
    ◦ Dairy products
    ➢ Serum cholesterol produced in the liver and floats around bloodstream

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)

High density lipids are not dangerous for health, low density lipids are dangerous for health, avoid low density lipids.

Health Benefits of Eggs

  • Eating eggs every day lower the risk of developing cataracts, lutein and zeaxanthin
  • Eggs are great for eyes, may prevent macular degeneration due to carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.
  • One egg contains 6 g of protein and all essential Amino acids.
  • Balanced Protein.
  • No significant link between egg consumption and heart disease
  • Regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke and heart attacks
  • Good source of choline
  • One egg contains 5 g of fat, 1.5 g is saturated
  • Moderate consumption does not have -ve impact on cholesterol
  • Regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person’s lipid profile
  • Contains significant level of vitamin D
  • May prevent breast cancer: Women, consuming ≥6 eggs per week have 44% lower risk of breast cancer.
  • Promote healthy hair and nails-sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals
  • Hair grew faster after adding eggs to diet, especially if previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Vitamins in Egg

  • 2nd natural source of vitamin D
  • Vitamin A Protects against some cancers, Slow the aging process & good for eye sight.
  • Vitamin B12, Helps in protecting heart disease
  • Vitamin D, Helps in keeping bones healthy and teeth strong.
  • Vitamin E, Acts as an antioxidant Protects cells against some cancers.
  • Choline, Assists in brain development, Helps to produce and maintain new cells, Especially red blood cells
  • Niacin, Promotes normal nerve function and helps to release energy from Omega-3 fatty acids Improves blood cholesterol, Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Riboflavin, Helps in keeping body tissues healthy.

Minerals in Egg

Minerals in Egg

Minerals in Egg  Egg nutritional facts.

• Carries oxygen to the cells and keeps blood healthy
• Help maintain good vision
• Reduce the risk of developing cataracts
• Help protect eyes against harmful UV rays

• Helps maintain a strong immune system

Advantages of Eggs

  1. Easy to cook
  2. Less time for processing
  3. No chance of adulteration
  4. Well-balanced in all nutrients
  5. Standard for other proteins evaluation
  6. Naturally pre-packaged food
  7. Most economical protein source
  8. Less Protein digestibility

Why not to Consume Raw Egg?

Egg whites contain avidin, which binds biotin Cooking the egg whites changes avidin making it unable to interfere with the intestinal absorption of biotin.

This is all about Egg nutritional facts.

World Egg Day October 11th 2019

World Egg day 2019

Photo by Pixabay World Egg day 2019

Make sure your egg organization, egg producers and associated industry members take advantage of World Egg Day. Promotional opportunities are as limitless as your imagination. However, to help you start using the downloads listed at the bottom of the page, which include promotional ideas and a helpful press kit.

Do not forget to tell us about your celebrations so that we can help you spread the good news. If you tweet about your celebrations, be sure to include #worldeggday in your communications.

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