Principles of Dairy Management By P. Venkateshwara RaoJune 2008, Dairying is the business of producing milk,

With the increasing insistence on health and safety checks, the relevance of these principles of dairy management has undertaken a whole new dimension altogether.
This text aims to acquaint dairy farmers with the most essential and relevant principles of the science of dairy management, taking care to thoroughly entrench them in the basic concepts, practices and techniques which give shape to the modern process of the science.
In addition to delineating the current trends and developments in the dairying field, the text takes care to elaborate upon the whole industry, its revenues, prospects and challenges, with due consideration to the rapidly globalising dairy sector itself. Further, critical perspectives have been incorporated, which provide fresh insights into the ways in which dairy management is rapidly assuming new dimensions. It is hoped that the erudition and insight of the book serves well for the readers.
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