Help Your Dog Live Longer
Help Your Dog Live Longer is desire of everyone. Every person on this planet who love or have dogs is wishing his dog live longer than him. People love dogs like their family members and dogs are successful in taking place in the heart of owners. This is a universal affection of dogs and owners and no one can neglect this.
Hello everyone, I am Dr. Kashif Amin and today we will discuss 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer, this technique consists of 15 to 20 different ways you can help your dog live longer. The first talk about the behavior of dogs.if you rectify the behavior you make the dog healthy. Sky scrapper technique is used by Dean Brian and you can find complete information on ahref
If you want your dog to live longer, you must have to know the behavior of your dog and training of your dogs how to do activities when nothing to do that pretty important.
Control Behaviors of Dogs to Help Your Dog Live Longer
1- Leaving Dogs Alone at Home:
this is included in 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer. Dogs are an integral part of family life. They spend most of their time with us at home and join us on vacation.
And family outings. Therefore, many dogs are difficult to be alone for a long time. They are so
used to our company. When we go to work, go to school or shop, they are very difficult to cope. not sure what it is to this end, dogs often resort to vocalization and destruction to relieve stress. There are things you can do to help teach your dog that it is good to be alone. These things can start soon You brought your new dog home. As with most issues, prevention is healthier than cure. After a little simple The steps will help your dog be a happy and well-settled family member and this is a sky scrapper to help your dog live longer.

dog alone at home 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
Following things should be done when you left your dog alone at home. you must be careful regarding your dogs.
Create a comfortable place for your dog:
Dogs of all ages need their own “safe haven” where they can escape. This is usually in the form of a
Puppy pen (for very small dogs) or crate. Whenever you are unable to watch the dog briefly, place it in box. Make sure that your dog will consider the crate as a wonderful place to be. Fill with treats, toys, and others Good things. You can help your dog get used to the box by letting him have dinner there. Give it something to
Chewing is also a good idea. If the box is not suitable for your dog, the carpet or bed will make a great alternative. The idea is to teach your dog those wonderful things happen when they are not there and they do not need to follow you from room to room. This is also an effective toilet training tool because dogs don’t like going to it The toilet where they sleep.
Associate the place with Amazing things
As much as we love having our dogs with us, it’s equally important to teach them that getting away from us is a great worry. If you’ve spent time taking care of your new dog or are on holiday, now is the time to start Do this, as life will eventually return to normal and your dog will need to be able to adapt on its own. even if someone is home most of the time and teaching your dog to spend time on his own will greatly reduce your chances Vocals and destructive behavior when they are not nearby.
You need to make sure that your dog won’t associate being alone with stress and negative experiences. try to
Make yourself a natural part of everyday life. Settle your dog with chewing or Kung in the area that he normally does Leave-in, then leave it on its own devices and go your day. If you follow, ignore it. this is Encourage the idea that it is natural and natural to be away from you.
Keep special items such as chewing (or even your dog’s meal if it’s very nesting) when he’s alone. Try leaving it
With these items, or hide the goodies in the area to find it. Leave it alone to enjoy. Initially keep these Short sessions – for a few minutes – then increase the time. Make sure the dog is exercising well and has He had a chance to go to the toilet before leaving for longer periods.
Our leaving home is no fanfaronade
When you leave your dog, it is important not to celebrate your departure or return. You are You may find it difficult, but it’s in the dog’s best interest. If you get your dog too excited about your coming and Go, I will think they have something to worry about. When you return, do not rush and meet your dog immediately. Have a cup of coffee first Shop or arrange a bit before going out to see your dog. Make your greetings very low. If you find that your dog is “terrified” when it feels that you may be about to go out, it is time to feel it. Try picking up your keys, or wearing your coat, then chilling on the couch. This will teach him that these “Claims” is not something for him to worry about.
Other Important Tips to Help Your Dog Live Longer
There are things you can do while you are at home to help your dog settle when you leave. Offers regular exercise physical and mental stimulation of your dog can help you settle while you are away, especially practicing the first thing in the morning. This will get rid of the extra energy of the dog and increase the likelihood of his sleeping while sleeping I was away. Regular obedience training or basic tricks can also help level the dog. Like to exercise regularly Stimulation will provide a dog with an outlet for its energy, so it will be more tired and relaxed.
A sky scrapper tip on Food
You may wonder how you will keep your dog healthy with all the foods you eat on the floor We suggested. We strongly recommend that you take these meals from your dog’s daily rations. Dog Prefer to receive food in a variety of ways (hidden around the courtyard, inside games, etc.), rather than in Bowl. A good rule is to divide the dog’s daily rations into a container. Fill the container with treats, Dry food, bone, etc. If there is still food at the end of the day, give it to the dog for dinner.
2- Boisterousness
The noisy dog has not yet learned how to interact in a “polite” way with people and can appear on top Attention-seeking behaviors such as jumping up and mouth. This is partly because he likes attention and he is So excited to get it, so it’s hard to behave quietly, partly because of some anxiety Interact with people – which can drive more behaviors. The dog is aware that these inappropriate behaviors do not receive any reward and are therefore useless. At the same time, Reward your dog for showing desirable behaviors. It is necessary to be followed by everyone who interacts with the dog The same rules so that you can learn, and make sure that everyone is familiar with the following rules at all times. By this, you can make the dog happier and it will help him to live longer.7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer

Noisy dog 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
To teach this dog how to react appropriately, you’ll need to be positive, patient and consistent with it.
Every time you interact with him, you essentially reward the behavior he shows at the time This can be used to teach him how to interact. This should be learned very quickly (within two weeks).
- Noisy dogs tend to be excited dogs. Try to interact with your dog quietly, using quiet movements
And ringtones. You do not want to “induce” it by being loud or exciting. - You need to completely ignore any undesirable or inappropriate behaviors looking for behaviors (no
Touch, talk or eye contact). This will remove the reward for attention to behavior. ExpectTry the hardest dog for a while and then give up. You have to be very consistent – if you give up yet While or when the attempt is particularly difficult, you will simply teach them to continue. If you can not ignore The behavior distracts attention from direct attention (no noise in another room). - Give your dog a lot of positive attention whenever they show good / quiet behaviors. This will teach them
What they should do more – they will repeat these behaviors more and more for Please, you can also use the treats to get started to speed up the process. - Give your dog plenty of outlets for their energy – walking, feeding, enriching, and training Great ideas. Games like jars, playing with toys, hiding and looking for cool things are really good ways Use up some of this energy.
- avoid any form of punishment or reprimand. This will only make the dog more anxious and therefore it is Their behavior is likely to deteriorate in the long term and may lead to the development Fear of related behaviors such as aggression. In addition, for the dog like this, still negative attention, so still likely to enhance his “naughty” behaviors.
Golden rule: total disregard (behaviors that do not speak, speak or communicate with the eye) inappropriate behaviors and reward instead Dog to show appropriate behaviors. Expect the dog to try to do more before he gives up – don’t give up as you are We will only teach them to try / harder. Never tell your dog – this will reinforce his fear and is likely to happen Behavior is more intense and may lead to fear of behavioral problems. This Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer.
3- Toileting Issues
This is also great issue which producing hindrance in the life of dogs. this must be rectified. it is also included 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
There are several different causes of domestic pollution, including a number of medical problems. It is important to identify the cause of the problem to develop a successful treatment plan. House pollution may result from:
- Ineffective training at home
- Regional Markers
- Dog Behavior Training Guide
- Anxiety
- Fear, excitement and extreme submission
- eating and drinking disorders
- Inappropriate diet
- Diseases (such as urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, gastrointestinal diseases)
- early experience – puppies raised in cages until 3-5mth of age, are not allowed to eliminate
the outer side, it can be extremely difficult to train at home.
Start at the beginning
Follow basic home training advice and make sure you are 100% compatible. Crate training can be
Do not Abuse or Punish Dogs
Punishment such as rubbing the dog’s nose in the urine/stool or beating her with the newspaper does
Action. Dogs that look “guilty” when contaminated at home have learned this when they are present There is chaos on the ground, they are in trouble. They don’t think they put they put chaos there Sometime in the past, they do not associate punishing them with something they did some time ago. They are simply afraid of you and may learn not to toilet in front of you, which will make your work more Difficult.
Clean up soiled areas
It can stimulate the smell of urine or your dog’s feces to eliminate in this area again. Dogs have amazing The sense of smell and cleansing simply mess will not eliminate the smell (of the dog impression). After cleaning the area with warm water, cleaning excess moisture, spray the area With a neutral odor, or enzymatic cleanser, such as urine be sure to apply a sufficient product on Connect to all soiled areas. This may include lifting the carpet, spraying the bottom layer, or even the floor Paintings underneath.
Consult with Veterinarian
Talk to your veterinarian and take guidelines from him, tell him the complete issue.
4- Timidity and Fear of Aggression is a hindrance to Help Your Dog Live Longer
Look for advice with an appropriately qualified animal behavior specialist who can prepare a rehabilitation program for the dog. If the condition is left untreated, things can get worse over time. This would be harmful to the dog itself and those who have contact with them.

Fear of aggression 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
limit at the beginning of your dog’s exposure to any situations they find sad. For example, keep trips
To a minimum, reduce the number of visitors to the house. In time this dog can be increased
Gains in confidence.
Don’t force the dog to react. Wait until the dog comes to the people and rewards them for that. One way to encourage this behavior is to use treats. Throw food treat near the dog. Once the dog Eats, you can slowly throw the treats closer to the person a little, and encourage the dog to get closer. It must be done slowly. Avoid too much direct eye contact that may be scary. don’t follow Dog if retreat. Let the dog a safe haven to withdraw when scared.
Teach your dog what quiet behavior is and reward it for a high-value dog and verbal praise They respond in a comfortable and positive way. Teach your dog an alternative, and appropriate behavior Fear Response in Quiet Attitudes Then start to alleviate your dog’s sensitivity by introducing a low level of fear provokes Things at a distance. 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
This information is intended for use under the supervision of a behavior expert.
Fear is a combination of physical, emotional and psychological responses to a catalyst or threat event,
That in the wild will protect the animal from harm. Fear may become “phobia” when not adapted The response does not match the threat.
Fear can be inherited, in which case it can be resistant to change. However, with time and patience, Proper use of the drug may be able to modify your pet’s response to certain cases of fear. Inherited fear responses may develop at any age and may be generalized or specific to certain senses (such as noise Phobia).
Exposure to natural events in the world between 4-14 weeks of age is essential for normal development. Puppies
Kept in isolated environments and not susceptible to other animals, people, children, handling, cars, trains, etc., may be scared of all their lives. Again, fear may be generalized or specific to certain situations.
Traumatized puppies during the fear period (8-10 weeks, often in older dogs) The second period of several days to weeks somewhere between 6-18 months), can develop generalized or specific Fears, that last over their lives. Again, behavior modification and medication can help reduce the fear.
Fears of certain situations or events can be learned later in life. These concerns are more easily addressed using behavior Amendment alone. 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer.
Treatment of fear:
If you will succeed in treating fear of dog than you will help the dog to live longer.
- Systematic Desensitisation
This involves gradually exposing the dog to fear which raises the situation/event in a way that does not cause
Dog to experience fear. For example, turn on thunderstorm logging at low intensity, and then gradually increase the volume. If done correctly, the dog learns that noise is not associated with hatred The result stops responding with fear.
- Counter-conditioning
This technique establishes a positive emotional response with triggers that have previously provoked a frightening response. For example, every time a thunderclap, the dog receives a treatment of high value. Over time thunder. It predicts treatment (good result) and thus a positive emotional response is established.
- Medication
For general fear, where the causes of fear are many or unavoidable, drug therapy may be required. The dog is given an adequate dose of anti-anxiety medication to reduce his fear of various stimuli. Behavior The adjustment is then made (as above), once the non-fear responses are created and consolidated At the time, the dosage of the drug is gradually reduced until the dog is eventually revoked. If the dogs started When you become afraid during the weaning process, you should increase the dose again and wean dog more gradually.
Creating a Systematic Desensitisation Program:
This information is intended for use under the supervision of a behaviorist. To desensitize properly you must be able to:
- Identify to the cause of the fear
- Reproduce the cause of the fear
- Control the intensity of the fear-provoking stimulus
- Control exposure to the fear-provoking stimulus (i.e. ensure it doesn’t occur spontaneously or randomly)
- Identify a starting point where the animal is not afraid (e.g. still taking treats)
- If you cannot meet the above criteria you cannot successfully implement systematic desensitization.
5- Fireworks and Thunderstorms
The loud noises associated with summer thunderstorm season is one of the most prevalent phobias in animals
and result in tens of thousands of them demonstrating destructive behavior, escaping from their properties and
injuring themselves. it is included in 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer.
Quick tips
The following information is appropriate for domestic pets, especially cats and dogs but may be useful for other
domestic animals too. Horses can also become extremely anxious by loud noises and attempt to escape – we
recommend you consult your equine vet for advice on preparing your horses.
- Do not punish your pet for exhibiting his behavior during times of stress.
- Attempt to engage, distract and reassure your pet that everything is OK, but don’t ‘force’ this if it becomes particularly distressed.
- Provide access to a safe area where your pet may feel more at ease. Animals usually indicate their
preferences such as under a bed or inside a wardrobe. Allow it to go where it wants to feel safe. Close
bird cages, rabbit hutches, and other fixed enclosures and ensure the pet door and windows are closed
and locked. - Make sure that your boundary fences and gates are secure and that your pet cannot readily escape
through them or over them. - Ensure that your pet wears identification, particularly a microchip. In the unfortunate event that your pet
should escape from your property, it will run blindly away without regard to where it is going. When it
eventually calms down it will probably not know where it is or how to return. A microchip gives you the
greatest chance that you and your pet will be reunited. - If you know that your pet is extremely fearful of thunderstorms, consult your vet to see if he or she can
prescribe medication that will calm it in known times of stress.
Help your pet to deal with its fear one step at a time
Eliminating pet anxiety and phobia of loud noises will take time and a planned approach. It is not easy but through a combination of desensitization, distraction, providing a comforting environment and where needed medication, you should be able to reduce your animal’s anxiety and keep your pet safe.
6- Introducing Your Dog to Your New Baby
The introduction of a new baby into a household can cause both known and unforeseen changes. Therefore, it is
incredibly important to understand your pet’s reaction to these changes and how to manage them. This information will help your family make a smooth transition, so your pet and baby can live happily together.
Although jealousy is not an entirely appropriate term when referring to pets, they can display attention-seeking
and competitive behavior when they feel their owner’s attention has been displaced to another individual. Most
problems arise from the anxiety caused by significant changes in the pet’s environment, lifestyle and the ways in
which it interacts with the family. Pets are also likely to have trouble adjusting if they have had previous
unpleasant experiences with babies or children.
When preparing the family pet for the arrival of a new baby, you should ensure changes are gradual, so they do
not overwhelm the pet. Here are some tips on how to make this exciting time as stress-free as possible for your
furry friend.
7- Exercise and Enrichment
it is included in 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer. Some dogs, especially working breeds, have a lot of energy and drive, but all dogs can become bored. Every dog needs some level of exercise, but dogs are intelligent creatures who like to problem-solve. At its worst, boredom can lead to many behavioral problems such as excessive barking, digging and destructive behavior. Boredom can also contribute to more serious problems, such as separation anxiety and obsessive, compulsive behaviors. It is important to provide BOTH physical and mental stimulation, especially for breeds which were bred to have a ‘job’.
Physical Exercise
Exercise should be at an appropriate level for the dog. Some dogs may be content with one daily walk, whereas
others need multiple walks – especially breeds like Huskies and Collies.
Walks are important, but it is important that they are ‘constructive’ too. Being dragged around on a short leash
for 40 minutes will likely just be frustrating and not as fulfilling as a 20-minute ‘sniffer’ on a loose leash. Walks
should be an opportunity for your dog to explore the world and build a good relationship.
Try to keep walks to quieter areas, especially in the early days. Try to keep the leash loose and stay as relaxed as possible – don’t rush the dog around and allow him to sniff at his pace as much as possible. This keeps walks
relaxed and positive.
Take food on walks, and try to walk the dog when he is hungry (i.e. not straight after a meal). As you walk along,
periodically call his name and reward him with a treat. This encourages your dog to focus on you. Some dogs are
very food-motivated and will work for their normal kibble, whereas for some dogs you will need to ‘up the ante’
and use higher-value food, like sausage, chicken, cheese or ham.
Playing games in the garden is a good way for your dog to exercise, and again builds your bond. Constructive toy play like fetch and ‘find it’ is great. Always swap one toy for another and encourage your dog to drop a toy
before throwing another; avoid taking anything out of your dog’s mouth, as this is confrontational and may
encourage your dog to guard what is his.
Mental Enrichment
Enrichment can really mean anything – it’s whatever is stimulating for your dog and gets his brain working!
- Sniffing:
1- Go for a long, meandering walk dictated by your dog’s nose. The time is his – don’t rush him. Sniffing really calms dogs down and releases happy hormones.
2- Try different scents using essential oils or even natural scents, like herbs. - Training sessions
1- Keep sessions short but positive – use whatever most motivates your dog (food, a favorite toy, praise). If your dog loses interest, then the session is too long or difficult.
2- Teach him something new! The obvious tricks are ‘sit’, ‘drop’, ‘shake’, ‘high five’, ‘stay’, but there are lots of others! You can teach a dog to touch your hand or an object (targeting), paw at an object or stand on a mark (free shaping), speak, learn the names of objects, crawl on his belly or bow…the possibilities are endless! - Food enrichment
Using food is a great tool for dogs who like their food. You can make enrichment items a ‘treat’ or, for high-drive dogs, use ALL of their daily food in the form of enrichment items. This is also great for dogs who like to inhale their food. Remember to start easy and increase the difficulty. Dogs may need help working out how items work and may get frustrated if they don’t understand – this will make them less likely to engage in the future.
7- Crate Training
Crate training is a new concept for many but is a very effective training tool for adult dogs and puppies. It may
take a little time and effort to train your dog to use the crate, but it can prove useful in a variety of situations. For
instance, if you have a new dog or puppy, a crate is a fantastic way of teaching it the boundaries of the house and keeping it safe. When you’re traveling in the car, visiting the vet or any other time you may need to confine your dog (eg. after surgery or if it has been injured), it’s much easier and safer if your dog has been trained to enjoy being in a crate. 7 Sky Scrapper Technique to Help Your Dog Live Longer
How big should my crate be and what type should I get?
A crate should be big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around and lie down. Crates can be plastic (used on
airlines), wire (collapsible, metal pens) or collapsible fabric crates. It is not recommended to leave your dog for
long periods in a fabric crate unless you are certain that your dog will be happy and calm inside it and will not
scratch its way out.
I don’t like the look of a crate! What will my dog think?
A crate is intended to be a ‘safe haven’ or ‘security blanket’ for the dog. By nature, dogs like small, enclosed
spaces, especially when they are feeling a little bit unsure. By providing your dog with an area where it can
‘escape’ and know it won’t be bothered, it can readily seek out this area when it needs a bit of a break or timeout.
Training your dog to use the crate
The duration of crate training varies from dog to dog. It will depend on the dog’s age, temperament and past
experiences. It is very important to remember that your crate should be associated only with something pleasant
and training should always move at your dog’s pace. Always vary the length of time that your dog will spend in its
crate, especially during training. This will prevent your dog from ‘expecting’ to be let out at a particular time and
reduce any issues such as whining or scratching at the crate door.
Introduce your dog to the crate
Place the crate in a central part of the household (living room, TV room, etc). Make the crate inviting and
comfortable for your dog. Usually, dogs will go over and investigate. When your dog goes near the crate, reward
it by throwing a food treat into the crate or near its entrance. Repeat this every time the dog goes near the crate.
If the dog settles down inside the crate, reward this behaviour either with your voice or with food rewards. You
want the dog to view the crate as a wonderful place to be, full of goodies and fun. You don’t want to shut the
door of the crate just yet. Your dog needs to understand that it can come and go as it pleases, therefore
reinforcing it as a good place to be.
Feed your dog in the crate
Begin giving your dog its regular meals in the crate. Place the bowl inside the crate and encourage the dog to
enter. If your dog readily enters the crate at dinner time, start asking it to go in and then place the food inside the
crate. As the dog becomes more comfortable eating in the crate, you can introduce closing the door. Start by closing the door as your dog eats its meal. Make sure you open it before the dog finishes its meal. As you progress, gradually leave the door closed for a few minutes at a time. Soon you should have a dog that will happily stay in its crate after a meal. If the dog whines; ignore the behaviour and try to reward it or let it out as soon as it is quiet. Next time, make sure the dog is in the crate for a slightly longer period of time.
Increase the length of time spent in the crate
Once your dog is happy in the crate for about 10 – 15 minutes after finishing its meal, you can start to confine it
to the crate for longer periods. Get the dog into the crate using a command such as “crate” or “bed”. As the dog
enters the crate, give it a treat, praise it and close the door. Quietly sit nearby for a few minutes and reward the
dog for remaining calm and happy. You might even want to open the door and give the dog a rewarding treat dispensing toy such as a Kong. Continue with your daily activities and return regularly to reward the dog, either verbally or with a food treat, for its calm behavior inside the crate. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the length of time that you leave the dog inside the crate. This may take several days or weeks.
Crating your dog at night
Once your dog is happy spending time in its crate with you around, you can introduce it to crating at night. Make
sure your dog has toys or treat-dispensing toys with it to initially settle it into the routine. Keep the crate in a
familiar, central area so the dog feels comfortable and settled. With young puppies or older dogs you may need to take them out for toilet breaks during the night. By making the crate a ‘fun’ and enjoyable place to be, night time crating should be an easy transition.
Potential problems
Too much time in the crate
Be careful that your puppy doesn’t spend too much time in its crate. While it is a fantastic tool for toilet training
puppies and preventing destruction, a dog of any age should not spend all day in a crate while you are at work
and again when you go to bed. This can affect your dog’s muscle development and condition. Young puppies
shouldn’t spend more than 2-3 hours in the crate without a toilet break as they cannot last that long without
relieving themselves.
If your dog begins whining in its crate, the best thing to do is ignore it. For a young puppy, whining may occur
because it needs to relieve itself, so quietly take it out to the toilet on a lead, making sure not to play with it. Place
it back into its crate once it has gone to the toilet. Remember that any sort of interaction, positive or negative,
will be a ‘reward’ to the dog, so ignoring the whining is best. However, make sure that you reward the dog
appropriately when it has settled and is quiet. Using a towel or sheet to cover the crate if the whining persists can
also help settle the dog. By following these steps, you can train your dog to not only love its crate but also see it as a safe haven. Your dog’s crate can be a place to escape for a much-needed rest, a break from kids or other dogs, and even a portable the home that will always be familiar no matter where you are.
By following these 7 Sky Scrapper Techniques to Help Your Dog Live Longer.
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