Extensively updated to include current literature, The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate, Second Edition, continues

The text gives easy-to-follow descriptions of basic technical procedures including restraint, intubation, tuberculin skin testing, and collection of blood and urine samples. It also reviews advanced sampling procedures including collection of bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and rectal mucosal biopsy. The Laboratory Nonhuman Primate presents information in a clear, concise format to allow readers to incorporate concepts and techniques into the standard operating procedures of a facility.
This handbook provides animal care and research technicians with a practical easy-to-read reference on the management of nonhuman primates in the research setting. Although it is not meant as a comprehensive resource for veterinarians, it may serve as a helpful reference for clinicians who have limited experience with these species. In the second edition, the authors have expanded the content, enhanced the text with color photographs, and provided additional references. The references are intended to direct readers to more detailed information than provided in this handbook.
This handbook is organized into six chapters on biological features, husbandry, management, veterinary care, experimental methodology, and resources available for nonhuman primates. Each chapter has figures and tables that augment the information provided in the text. Although not meant to replacement or ship from personnel experienced in the appropriate care and use of nonhuman primates, this handbook provides a didactic tool that complements hands-on training of technical staff. It attempts to provide up-to-date professional standards on the care, management, and technical procedures common to nonhuman primates.
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