World animal day will be celebrated on 4 October 2019. This celebration is for animals to raise their standard of living and welfare. we should have to make earth the best place for animals providing them everything according to their needs. This day should be celebrated with great enthusiasm irrespective of country, nation, religion, caste, color, and governmental politics. Everyone has to play their role along with veterinarians to raise the voice for animal rights. We should have to educate people about animal welfare. Stand for animals, yes we will.
World animal day 2019 will be celebrated in Pakistan, some veterinary universities arranging a walk for animals in collaboration with societies. University of veterinary and animal sciences, Lahore will conduct walk on this day.
On this day be with your Pets and celebrate with them. Stand for animal rights, make a pledge with animals.
World Animal Day 4 October 2019
Here are some veterinarian standing for animal welfare.
We are forming our first surgery and that day was one of the best days in our lives. proud to be a Veterinarian.

Veterinarians world animal day 2019
Being with an animal not because of your profession, but affection. this is affection that helps animals live longer

Dr. Kashif Amin
Animals are always your Best Friends
4- Best Doctor in the whole World is Veterinarian

Dr. Arslan Yaqoob
A veterinarian is a Person who play with lions, True affection for animals.

Dr. haris Abdullah
According to Nimra, Animals abused more than humans. Never believe that animals suffer less than humans. Pain is the same for them that it is for us. Even worse, because they cannot help themselves.

Dr. Nimra Arshad
Do not abuse animals, give them their living standards

Dr. Yusra Aqib

animal affection
On this World Animal Day play your role in society and give animals their rights. Stop killing and hunting of animals for the name of the game. Make this earth heaven for animals. Good Luck!
Technovets will always take stand for animals irrespective of circumstances.