Clinical Doppler Ultrasound 3rd Edition by: Myron A. Pozniak and Paul L. Allan, offers an accessible, comprehensiveintroduction and overview of the major applications of Doppler ultrasound and their role in patient management. The new edition of this medical reference book discusses everything you need to know to take full advantage of this powerful modality, from anatomy, scanning and technique, to normal and abnormal findings and their interpretation. It presents just the right amount of Doppler ultrasonography information in a compact, readable format!
In this edition we have remained true to our initial philosophy – to provide practical information and guidelines on the applications and limitations of Doppler ultrasound. Our contributors all have significant experience in diagnostic ultrasound and all of the chapters have been re-written to incorporate more recent knowledge and developments. This edition features a new chapter on intraoperative and interventional applications of Doppler. The Doppler evaluation of dialysis grafts has so evolved that it now appears as a separate chapter. The images have been updated and expanded; the references brought up to date.
Computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography continue their evolution, but the authors remain convinced of the importance of Doppler ultrasound in the investigation of vascular disorders. With the continuing miniaturisation and decreasing cost of ultrasound technology, its distribution into the hands of the clinicians now gives the patient benefit of a more timely diagnosis, provided the practitioner is properly trained in the use of their new device.
It is important that those performing Doppler ultrasound examinations have a clear under-standing of the underlying principles of this powerful tool, and that continues to be our motivation in creating this book.
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