Cats do strange things. Maybe not as weird as dogs, but weird. One of the strangest things they do is eat grass – a habit they share with dogs – but for cats it’s still a bit strange because cats are real carnivores, while dogs lose weight ubiquitously most days. In addition, the grass makes them hard, and we humans have a hard time understanding the idea of ​​eating things that drive you crazy. On purpose.




For a while, the experts thought that cats probably eat grass expressly because it makes them dense – perhaps a stomach-eating cat eats grass to purge itself which would likely make the animal feel better afterwards.


The fact that your cat loves chicken, beef and tuna dishes does not mean that she would not like to bite into something greener and more leafy. This is where catnip comes in. “I love it as a source of micro-nutrients for cats,” said Mark Waldrop, DVM, of the Nashville Cat Clinic. “It can add insoluble fiber, which can help with hairballs, and it’s a good environmental enrichment for cats.”

Although some people use the terms “catnip” and “catnip” interchangeably, “catnip” generally refers to a mixture of oats, rye, barley and wheat, depending on Humane Society.

Keep in mind that if you grow catnip indoors, it can be difficult for kittens to differentiate between what they can and should eat (the catnip you are in train with love), and other plants and flowers that might be. toxic to them (like these). Never keep toxic plants or flowers in a place where your cat can easily ingest them.

How to Grow Cat Grasses

If you like the idea of ​​growing your own catnip, do not be afraid, you do not necessarily need to have a green thumb to do it. “Catnip is simple enough to grow,” Waldrop said. “Put the seeds in the soil and add water. Keep the soil moist, and in about ten days, offer it to your cat. I recommend [growing] a low and heavy container, as they will be less likely to be knocked over. ”

To start your garden well – and keep it thriving – the Humane Society suggests the following specific tips:

  1. Fill your heavy container about ¾ full of loose potting soil and sprinkle your seeds of choice evenly over the surface, then cover with about ¼-inch of soil.
  2. Cover the container loosely with plastic wrap and keep it at room temperature and away from direct sunlight, ensuring to keep the soil moist with a spray bottle as it feels dry.
  3. When sprouts appear in a few days, remove the covering and move the pot to a sunny spot, continuing to water as the soil feels dry to the touch. They recommend offering the grass to your cat when it’s approximately 3 to 4 inches tall.
  4. As the grass wilts (typically in a few weeks), pull out the shoots and plant more seeds. To keep the rotation steady for your cat, try planting several pots a week or two apart.

Which Grasses Are Best for Cats?

Even if you can not go wrong by choosing one of the different types of catnip you find in pet stores, Waldrop says he prefers to see his customers grow alfalfa grass because it has been proven he helped prevent and treat kidney disease. in cats.

Oats is also an excellent choice, he says, because it acts as a digestive aid to calm the intestinal tract, is rich in protein and soluble fiber and contains iron, manganese, zinc and B.

For specific questions about your pet’s diet, always consult your veterinarian.

What to Watch Out For

Indoor cat herbs are an easy and safe way to give your cat healthy treats you can watch, but in the long run these types of plants can develop mold, Waldrop said. especially if they are too watered. “I recommend starting a new batch from scratch if it happens,” he said.

In terms of quantity, most cats will only nibble at the top of the grass, says Waldrop. Therefore, if you continue to water it, the plant will continue to come back and last for some time.

Waldrop also mentioned that if your cat seems to eat his grass at every opportunity, or that you notice that your garden is disappearing after only a week or two of making available to your kitten, you may want to consult your veterinary. to determine if additional changes need to be made to your cat’s diet.


According to Cole and Marmalade, scientists have decided to focus on the whole problem of cats (because scientists are not busy enough with global warming and cancer treatment), and here’s what they discovered . It turned out that most cats eat grass when given the opportunity. In the UC Davis study, 1,021 cat owners observed the behavior of their cats around the grass and only 11% of the animals did not seem interested in eating them. And before eating grass, 91% of these animals showed no characteristic signs of the disease, such as excessive thirst, lack of appetite, or behavioral changes.




We are now obliged to propose more theories. UC Davis researchers believe that eating grass could be a residual behavior before cats domestication. When you live on a rodent diet, you catch the intestinal parasites. Eating grass makes you uncomfortable, so if you want to eliminate parasites from your bowels, eating grass is a good way to do it.



But one problem with this theory is that cats do not always bow when they eat grass, in fact, it appears that irradiation only occurs about 25% of the time. The other theory is so much simpler: maybe cats like to eat grass. Hey, some people like these awful spinach smoothies with wheatgrass, so there’s no taking into account the taste.


Cats are undeniably cool. They are adorable little hairy ninjas who share our homes and have an irresistible urge to push things to something else. We do not mind because they are so cute they can get away with it. We opened our homes – and our hearts – a long time ago, but there is still a ton of misinformation circulating and simply refusing to leave.




It’s in so many movies. If there is a cat, give him a saucer of milk. That’s what cats like, right?



Well no. Cats drink milk like kittens, of course – all mammals do it when they are young. But once weaned off their mother’s milk, they stop producing all the enzymes they need to digest these substances. So, yes, this means that most cats are lactose intolerant, although milk and dairy products in small amounts are generally suitable. Lactose from ordinary milk accumulates in the cat’s digestive system and causes all kinds of stinky problems – the same problems that occur if a lactose intolerant person drinks a milkshake with his dinner filled with cheese.

Milk also poses another problem, namely the fat and calorie content. Give your cat a saucer of milk as big as their head. It’s like sitting down and eating a gallon of fat-rich ice cream with a little extra fat for good measure. (We will not judge, we went.) This means that not only will the milk make a cat run unacceptably, but it will also make him fat. They might still like to taste the taste of milk – just as you might want even more of this three-cookie-dough-fudge-cookie dough ice cream the next day – and that’s why they make lactose-free products and low fat cat milk. We are still waiting for the ice version.


First of all, what about all the savages on the Internet who ask what happens when they cut a cat’s whiskers? Just not. These people should not be allowed near cats.



Now, the myth. Popular belief says that whiskers are tied to the cat’s sense of balance, so it makes sense that something explains his ninja skills effortlessly. These are not their whiskers, however, because these little probes are used for navigation and sensory perception.

That’s right, they are cooler than you thought. The whiskers of a cat are made of the same material that makes up the horns of other animals: keratin. All the nerves are connected to the cat’s face and they can feel the changes in the air as they come closer to the walls and other obstacles. If you have already noticed the fine hairs on the top of the cat’s head or on the back of his legs (not all cats have them), they are also whiskers and work the same way. WHY CATS EAT GRASS.

Regarding the rumor that the cat’s whiskers are as wide as his body and allow him to know if he can pass in a small space, this is true (as long as Puss is not overweight). And when it comes to cutting them, sometimes it’s necessary for the veterinarian to do it, but you should not. The loss of sensory data can make the poor cat confused, confused and frightened. If seriously, do not do it.  WHY CATS EAT GRASS


So, you are a vegetarian. Congratulations, we are sure you would like to tell us about it. But before you submit your cat to a strict vegetarian diet, because you like to impose your lifestyle choices on other people, know that your cat does not like his idea at all. WHY CATS EAT GRASS.



A handful of nutrients necessary for cat survival, such as taurine and arachidonic acid, come from meat. They also need a lot of protein, more than most other animals. They can not easily draw all this from an herbal diet, and deficiencies mean they will suffer from skin problems, hearing loss and even heart and liver problems. There is also the problem of vegetarian diets high in carbohydrates, which cats can not treat. Of course, a handful of professionals swear that a vegetarian diet is appropriate, but since they are largely vegetarian food manufacturers for cats, you can guess exactly what their interests are.

Some vegetarian diets have artificial versions of all the meat proteins that cats need, and that sounds good … until you continue to read and discover that cats can not treat artificial ingredients as effectively as the natural ones . It will mean a weakened heart and a shortened life span. If the ethics of meat consumption worry you so much, what about the ethics of subjecting your cat to this? The research also revealed that cats forced to follow a vegetarian diet at home would simply move to the open spaces and start capturing local wildlife to supplement the shitty diet you gave them because they would have no your fascist ways.


Stray cats and feral cats are often grouped in the same category: nuisances that live outside and knock down your garbage cans. But they are completely different, and here’s why.



Wildcats were born and grew up on the wrong side of the slopes. They have never had a good relationship with humans, they are generally afraid of them and they will certainly not accept your invitation to sit on your beautiful hot ride. They are not socialized and they have had the kind of life that means they will never be.

Stray cats, on the other hand, are cats to whom the world has been incredibly unfair. They know people, and they know that people can be nice, and they’ve probably been socialized at some point – and they can still be socialized. They may be calm and frightened, but you can earn their trust and make them cats again. Stray cats can turn into wild cats if they stay alone long enough, and the perfect example of a stray cat is a pet that has been hunted and left behind. Both groups got the tip of the stick, but stray cats can forgive. Wildcats will tell you where you can go.WHY CATS EAT GRASS.


They could land on their feet most of the time, but not always. They can do this because they have the ability to twist their spines in a way that would kill a human. Thus, when they jump, their sense of balance aligns the front half, while the twisted spine sets in motion and reflexively aligns the back half. a safe and impressive landing.WHY CATS EAT GRASS.

Even if it’s a reflex, it still takes time. If a cat falls from a low height, it will usually not have time to turn around completely and it will land on its side. And even if they fall on their feet, they do not always come out unscathed from the incident. If they fall too high and their legs can not absorb the impact, it can cause all kinds of horrible things like fractures, internal trauma and even brain damage. It’s more common than you think too, so there’s a name for it: high-rise syndrome. Do you remember that old saying about curiosity? That’s right, and the ASPCA – and common sense – states that you really need to make sure your cat is safe because even ninjas are not perfect.


Dogs can be pack animals. It is therefore ironic that cats are generally perceived as lone wolves, piercing their own territory and absolutely not wanting or wishing to share it with anyone, not even a human. Because who needs you, anyway? When researchers looked at how cats interact with each other, they discovered that they were social creatures.

Cats can absolutely survive alone, we’ll say it right away, and they almost always hunt alone. But when they gather in groups, they form a very close relationship that often revolves around a central group of women. Not only do wildcats congregate in colonies, but they share responsibilities, associate to raise and even feed their kittens, and they even have besties. Cats in wild colonies usually associate and spend time together, spending a lot of time grooming and greeting each other with their noses. It’s thought that all this grooming is not just about being clean, but also mixing everyone’s smells with a colony smell that identifies each person as part of the group, much like sorority girls sharing clothes.


It’s always a dangerous thing to say, unless you’re talking about whether the beer should be cold or not, or the whiskey should be served on the rocks. (Always.) As for cats, things are a little less certain.

In both cases, you can replace “always” with “more” and be completely correct. You would be more correct about calicos, because about 1 in 3,000 cats are male. On the other hand, about 1 out of every 3 orange tabby is a woman. Therefore, even if you are more likely to find a man, statistically you can have a whole flock of females, if you wish. (We do.)

Everything is due to genetics. The gene that makes an orange cat is only found on the X chromosome. When you take into account factors such as recessiveness, you find that the only way to get a calico pattern is to use two X chromosomes. that male cats can only appear as orange or not orange, not as a mixture of colors. When calico males occur, it is only because they are genetically different – a set of XXY chromosomes, rather than the usual XY chromosome. There is even a name for these genetic quirks: the Klinefelter males, according to the doctor who discovered it. On the other hand, since the orange is on the X chromosome, male cats are gingival with only one copy of the gene. Females must inherit two of them and that is why they are not so common. In addition, it has nothing to do with the condition of their souls: cats have a soul, but they do not affect the color of their coat.


Another form of this myth says that they are all blind and that there is some correlation between at least deafness and white cats, but it is certainly not at all. We are not quite sure what is going on here, but deafness seems to be related to coat color and eye color.

Your chances are: white-eyed cats have about a 20% chance of being deaf, one-eyed white cats have a risk of about 40%, and two blue eyes have 65% and 85%. The mechanisms are not really known, but we know that cats with a blue eye tend to be deaf on the same side if they end up having hearing problems. We also know that sometimes we can not even tell whether they are deaf or not, because, let’s face it, they are not known for their coming when they are called.


If you want a little love virus, get an orange cat. If you want a princess, take a tortie. And if you want someone to cast spells, get a black cat. We could exaggerate on the latter, but it is common to think that certain colors are associated with certain personality traits.

Researchers at Berkeley University looked at the myth and found no evidence to support their theories. What they have found is that collective belief is so firmly anchored in the collective consciousness that light cats are considered friendlier, so they are adopted more often. Cats are chosen for their appearance rather than their personality, and since belief does not usually prove the truth, they are often dismissed. So remember: do not be a racist cat.


Cats are not completely color blind, but they are almost color-blind … in a way. The eyes of the cats are tuned to capture the colors blue-violet and the yellow-greenish colors. They see the world in the same way as the red-green colorblinds, but they perceive a little more green. Cones are the structures of the eye responsible for color vision and, although we have more than cats, we also have fewer rods. This brings us to the second part of the myth.

The number of sticks in the cat’s eye means they process the information faster than ours. That’s why they can detect the beat of the tail of a mouse in the grass, for example. The stem cells responsible for their crazy refresh rate also help them see in the dark (and give them an extra peripheral vision of about 20 degrees from us), but they still can not see in complete darkness. Cats need a little light to be able to see, but in low light and dark conditions, they are way ahead of humans. It’s a little knowledge that they would like us to remember.


People think that declawing is pain-free, like having your nails cut off permanently. Not enough. The stall removes some of the cat’s paws and the human equivalent of the same procedure would be to cut each of your fingers to the first joint. Does not seem so harmless now, is it?

A series of medical problems are associated with declawing, such as permanent nerve damage and bone spurs that make it difficult for the cat to walk. There is also a lot of horrible short-term bleeding paws and a high infection rate. Opening sores on your feet when trying to use litter is not something we wish anyone.

This brings us to the behavioral part of the myth. People who think it’s a good idea to declassize a cat often say they do it to end such tasks as scraping furniture or scratching humans, and even if they would not scratch, they have still teeth and those out?

The moral of the story is this: do not degrease at all. It almost rhymes.


People study the behavior of cats to make a living and, yes, they work in real universities. They discovered that cats are as affectionate and loving as dogs – they just do not express it the same way.

The researchers highlight some key findings in cat disease. Purring has traditionally been interpreted as happiness, but it is more like something like, “Please, do not stop caressing me, I love her instead.” When they rub against you, it’s literally the cat equivalent of giving you a big hug, and it’s adorable, how? There is also slow blinking, which means that they are quite comfortable with your surroundings and they can not simulate it either – it’s an unintended response to a drop in the rate of stress hormones. They also discovered that each cat and owner had their own ultra-secret language, discovered during a study, that an owner could tell exactly what a cat said when he played a variety of mews … cat.

So, here, not only are cats affectionate, but they love you so much that they develop a secret language just to talk to you. If it’s not love, we do not know what it is.


It’s impossible to say how many cats are being moved to shelters because their human family is waiting for them, but whatever the number is, it’s too high. It is an absolute myth that housewives routinely kill babies, either by suffocating them, or – because some people still believe them – by taking their breath away. Anyway, they have more important things to do with cats, like sitting in boxes.

The irrefutable proof that this has already happened is completely lacking. A LiveScience survey revealed only one case of death by chat. It happened in Plymouth in 1791 and the coroner decided that the 18-month-old had died because the cat had taken his breath away. Remember that it is only about 100 years after the Salem witches trials and we all know about cats and witches rumors. Cats were often blamed for unhelpful misfortunes and word of mouth condemned him to a second-class family member.

According to the ASPCA, there are some precautions that future parents should take, but seriously, everything will be fine. Keep objects like bedding out of the hands of baby explorers, teach the cat that areas like cradles are forbidden and … that’s about it. Do not try to be a good human parent by being a rotten cat parent.


Anyone who shares their home with a cat knows the boredom of being awakened by nightly sounds of shenanigans, big nuts, cheats, or small monkey things taking place somewhere in the house. It could even happen so often that you would think your cat is nocturnal.

Cats are actually crepuscular, which means they will probably live up to their antics and capers at dusk and dawn. According to the Abrams Royal Animal Clinic, this strange schedule occurs naturally because the normal prey of a cat is most active during these times. It makes sense, right?

The idea that cats are nocturnal is also related to another myth. As they can not see in total darkness, they tend to sleep only those hours. You can help adjust your cat’s schedule by avoiding getting up when he clearly wants you to participate in his zooms and by establishing a routine where he is not nurtured or rewarded for being a parasite. Do not forget that she can not help herself, that’s her nature. You are the one who sleeps during recess.


If you have already gone to work in the morning and you have come home to find your cat in exactly the same place, you will probably see this as proof that cats are lazy. They are not.

Cat sleep patterns are more complicated than you think, and while they seem to sleep up to 16 hours a day, Cat Behavior Associates associates say they do not usually sleep well. Most of a cat’s sleep is spent in a sort of drowsiness, where all senses are always alert and alert to prey, predators or crumpling of the candy bag. Pay close attention and you will notice that his eyes are almost open and his ears move. It is not quite alert, but rather as a DEFCON 4 with the option to go directly to DEFCON 1 if something interesting is happening nearby.

According to VetStreet, there is a biological reason for small mittens to need so much downtime: their diet. Cats eat meat and long periods of rest or rest allow their digestive system to handle all these proteins. Cut the soft mitts; he just works smarter, not stronger.WHY CATS EAT GRASS.


The idea that dogs have masters and that cats have servants is quite old, but it is quite possible that cats have a healthier reputation than this because we put them on a pedestal. Just look at what a wild or wandering cat must cross to get a meal. It’s a lot of hunting, dipping or foraging, just the opposite of Princess-Pants and the food dish she always asks to be filled. Of course, she is used to eating at will, but researchers at the University of California at Berkeley (via LiveScience) found that it was not always the best for her. It may not even be what she wants.

The researchers took dozens of cats and gave them puzzles instead of a bowl. The results were quite impressive. When the boredom of a free document was removed, the overweight cats lost weight, the cats suffering from food had less mouth and other behavioral problems disappeared. Food puzzles can be as simple as serving wet food in the cups of an egg carton instead of a dish, and it turns out that many cats not only work for their food, but do so gladly. Plus, it’s great entertainment for us too.


If you went home in an empty food dish and a meowing cat, you know you’re only good for one thing – use those opposable thumbs to open up cat food. But a study by Oregon State University (via Science Direct) attempted to determine what cats prefer. They took two groups of cats – domestic cats and cats in shelters – and presented them with food options, socializing with a human or playing with a toy. At the end of the tests, they discovered that the majority of cats would choose to hold the attention of the man, even with a tasty and tasty wet food.

Toys and olfactory stimuli had no chance, and although there were differences between individual cats, there was no statistical difference between pet cats and refuge cats. Even if the adorable little test subjects tended to visit all the stations, they wanted above all the love of a person. Consider that the next time your cat will have a mouth when you get home, he may just be angry that you have gone so long.


Talk to someone who loves cats and they will insist that cats be smarter. Talk to someone who loves dogs, and it’s dog genius that will be touted. Both are wrong, and here’s why.

The first part of the answer is simply that we do not know how cats are smart because, well, they are cats. Even Adam Miklosi, one of the world’s leading animal cognition experts, was fed up with cats after just one experiment. His colleague, Christian Agrillo, laughed when Slate asked him if he had worked with cats. it was easier to work with fish, he said. It’s not because cats are stubborn, though; it’s because cats are programmed differently. They described dogs as listening to a frequency or channel all the time, while cats are channel surfers. Not smarter, not stupid, just different in a way that we do not understand yet.

Researchers at Kyoto University have taken important steps in deciphering cat thinking in 2017 (via the BBC). When they tested the cats, the dogs and their memory capacity, they found that the two animals had equal performance. They could form and recall memories, associate them with a real context, and create mental impressions of elements such as facial expressions, emotions, and human gestures. They seem to be about equal there, and that suggests that a lot of things are happening in Fluffernutter’s head … as well as in Pupper’s.


Yes, let’s discuss one of the most basic “truths” that keep the world on its own. Not all cats are naturally opposed to water. Animal Planet suggests that wild cats can adjust their point of view on the water according to their environment. There are predators in the water near leopards and lions, so most people avoid it. On the other hand, Asian cats spend so much time paddling and wading that they have partially webbed legs.

Now our furry friends inside. Some cats, like the Turkish Van, the Maine Coon and the Bengals, all tend to be fascinated by water that borders on the obsession, and many do not oppose bathing. For other cats, it’s harder to say. Some cats are perfectly happy to wade in puddles or bowls of water. VetStreet suggests that a cat’s aversion to water is simply due to his negative experiences. Kittens who are open to exploring the bathtub but fall unexpectedly do not want to repeat this terrifying ordeal, so they stay away. Being soaked in a storm is not pleasant either. Add to that that most cat owners do not care about washing their cats – they manage on their own – and you have a cat that avoids water. Simply turn on your bathroom sink for a slow flow, close the drain and see what Kitty thinks of a safe and comfortable experience with water.


Researchers have long been trying to uncover the secrets of communicating with cats, but it is not surprising that cats do not like to cooperate. According to the BBC, it is only recently that they have learned about the origin of purring: a neural oscillator tucked deep in the cat’s brain. (At least, they think that’s why it does not do anything else.)

Feline psychology researcher Marjan Debevere spent a lot of time looking at and photographing cats and found that different cats purred differently depending on the circumstances. Of course, they purr when they are happy and satisfied, but they also purr when they are alone or with other cats. Other cat psychologists suggest that this is not an involuntary reaction, but a type of communication that begins when they are kittens. Purring helps them tell mom that they are hungry, which probably explains why many purr when their parents feed them.

In fact, the “happy” purr and the purr “gimme food” are different enough that you can tell the difference if you listen carefully. There is a multitude of theories about the different types of purring chat, including an interesting one about a purr that resonates at the same frequency as bones heal. The theory is that when Kitty snuggles against someone who has a headache or injury and begins to purr, he may try to help. Great if it’s true!


Everyone has an opinion and, with regard to children and pets, everyone certainly has their opinion on how you should raise them. Some people believe that cats should be kept as their ancestors, allowed to roam outside, kill small animals and potentially die a horrible death. Keeping a cat inside is cruel, they say. Well … they are wrong.

According to Jane Ehrlich, a feline behaviorist, domestic cats should be kept 100% indoors. There are many reasons why, and they all stem from the fact that it’s safer. Indoor cats are not at risk of being run over by a car, being caught by a predator, being trapped somewhere and dying there, or being exposed to something that makes them sick. They will also be better adjusted psychologically, because they are not always at the forefront and seek death at every turn.

As long as indoor cats have access to toys, cat trees, climbing and hiding places and a secure, interactive environment, they will not only live long, but will be happy. And that’s what everyone wants for Fluffy, right?


There is not much more hilarious than looking at a cat who has lost his head. But cat’s reputation as a catnip addict is not all that it deserves: a high percentage of cats are not very interested in catnip.

According to VetStreet, between 30 and 50% of cats have no reaction, and no cat will react before the age of 3 to 6 months. The love of catnip is actually inherited because it is linked to a gene that makes you love or dislike it.

And not all cats have the same reaction either. Some catch the fools and others soften, and that partly depends on what they like to do with catnip. If they eat it, they will probably relax. Sniffing is where crazy people come from, but sometimes cats do not care anyway … and what’s more feline than that?


A 2013 study by the Smithsonian and US Fish and Wildlife Service found that cats were responsible for the deaths of 3.7 billion birds and 20.7 billion small furry creatures each year. This seems to corroborate the widespread belief that cats are born hunters, that they dare to die, that they are the most adorable killing machines on the planet. They are not.

BBC Earth has found large and small cats that score a relatively small percentage of time. And CatTime says that when it comes to housework, not everyone was created equal. When the cats were domesticated for the first time, they were welcomed home because they prevented the pests from being stored in valuable food stores. But over time, humanity has begun to care for them, feed them and allow them to make a living in another way, like posing for Instagram. The abilities of mousing and hunting have decreased in domestic cats, simply because it is not so necessary anymore.

Some cats – wild cats, stable cats and those who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks – are still good hunters, but pet cats? Not really. Women tend to be better than men (probably because they have always been responsible for teaching kittens), but now that we have taught many of them, they do not need to to hunt outside their food dish. Unless, of course, it’s the feet under the covers.


It’s an old belief that cats do their own thing, and the training efforts are not worth it. But training involves communicating in a way that’s understandable to the animal – and according to National Geographic, cats can be trained decisively. The man has just rendered them a very bad service. WHY CATS EAT GRASS.

An example illustrates it better. Say Mittens continues to rise on fire, where she should not be. Several times a day, Mittens gets scolded and bawled, but keeps going up. The training fails? No, Mittens was trained to realize that when she gets on the fire, she catches the eye. The human is the idiot of this scenario.

Mikel Delgado, of the University of California, Davis’ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, states that this is the principle for starting to train cats: “Reward what you love and ignore what you do not like.” Be consistent in ignoring bad behavior, and Mittens will eventually achieve what is called an “explosion of extinction” or the elimination of bad behavior. Training cats to come when they are called is actually quite easy, too: just pack them with a bag of treats, tell their names, and suddenly they arrive when they are called. Go understand!


Ancient Egyptians usually get credit for first domestic cats. They loved them definitively, integrating them with their gods, painting portraits, mummifying them and burying them en masse with their most important people. It’s a different way to show love. But archaeological findings suggest that cats were hanging out with humans long before they made their way into the hearts of Egyptians.WHY CATS EAT GRASS.

The breeding of Egyptian domestic cats was brought back to the beginning, about 4,000 years ago (via Science Daily). But paintings of cats were discovered in ancient Neolithic paintings and, when Cypriot archaeologists discovered the remains of a buried cat alongside a human being of apparent importance in a 9,500-year-old burial site they understood that other people had beaten him. by thousands of years.WHY CATS EAT GRASS.

Relationships between early humans and first cats are unclear, but researchers say the skeletal condition of the cat suggests that it is a domestic animal and not a sacrifice. Cats live the best life ever since millennia, and it’s pretty cool. They deserve it.

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